Re: Incomplete URI in DOCTYPE HTML 4.01 Transitional Validates


Which validator are you referring to? If it's for the markup validator  
it should go to the www-validator list.


On 2009/09/16, at 1:43 PM, mrwizkid wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to to know why does the w3c validator validate a  
> website as being 100% compliant if it has a missing or invalid URI ?
> I have found that whether a website has or does not have a valid URI  
> it still validates i noticed this for HTML 4.01 Transitional  
> DOCTYPES i have not tried others.
> We all know that if there is an invalid or missing URI it will put  
> IE browsers in QuirksMode which means that not all code will work  
> correctly like i have found with some Csscode i used in one of my  
> recent projects. Because of this shouldnt w3c validator NOT make a  
> site 100% compliant i know that for the most part if you had a  
> missing or invalid URI such as the following
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
> Most browsers will still work and even IE will work to come extent  
> but depending on the code used will it depend on the unexpected  
> results.
> By adding the URI eg
> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" " 
> ">
> This resolves the issues in IE browsers as it wont put the browser  
> in QuirksMode and therefor display the page correctly.
> For this reason i will argue that the w3c validator should not make  
> a site 100% compatible and at the very least give a WARNING about  
> the possibility of a page not rendering properly if there is a  
> missing or invalid URI.
> Please let me know your thoughts are some explanation to this theory ?
> Thanks.

Sangwhan Moon <>, Opera Software ASA
Skype: innodb1 | Mobile: +372-5971-6147

Received on Wednesday, 16 September 2009 07:45:56 UTC