- From: Jeff Sonstein <jsonstein@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2009 11:38:47 -0400
- To: Public BPWG <public-bpwg@w3.org>
- Cc: Jo Rabin <jrabin@mtld.mobi>, Adam Connors <adamconnors@google.com>
Jo mentioned "Adam is not on the call and we haven't received any comments yet." which I will foolishly take to mean Jo is seeking some comments (note that Adam already took in my comment) http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/Drafts/BestPractices-2.0/ED-mobile-bp2-20090924 - "List of Best Practices" immediately after TOC at beginning numbering system differs from document body numbering system suggestion: put in parens or otherwise note visibly the actual section number w/in the document as some folks will print this out (for use as desktop reference, etc) "Replicate Local Data" in that initial list should probably read "Replicate Local Data to a Server" so meaning of BP is apparent in reading just the list - suggest changing "Most images (especially JPEGs) do not benefit from compression" to read "some images" or "a significant number of images" or "some image formats" to avoid anyone quibbling over specific formats - suggestion: for sites expecting to service a reasonably large number of mobile clients and using "CSS Media Types" or "CSS Media Queries", prefer using ("default to"?) mobile-oriented/small-screen CSS first and over-ride only upon detection of larger-screen devices jeffs -- "In a technical sense he's calibrating his servos, but we like to call it stretching," - Caleb Chung, discussing a robot - ============ Prof. Jeff Sonstein http://www.it.rit.edu/~jxs/ http://ariadne.iz.net/~jeffs/ http://chw.rit.edu/blog/ http://ariadne.iz.net/~jeffs/jeffs.asc http://www.it.rit.edu/~jxs/emailDisclaimer.html
Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2009 15:39:33 UTC