ACTION-902 Flame retardant

Forgive my narrow focus, but I am anxious to get to the point where we
understand how we can make a testable assertion about the safety of link
rewriting in general. 

I am also anxious to get to the point where we can single out the
remaining points of difference on HTTPS link rewriting, and find some
path forward on that if there is one, or agree that there isn't one, if
there isn't.

Amusing though it may be to some to make disparaging analogies and
tempting as it may be to point out the flaws in those analogies I don't
think it contributes to my principal objective, and is off topic for
this list.

If you have something to say that is material to moving this issue to a
conclusion then that would be most welcome.


Jo Rabin
dotMobi (mTLD Top Level Domain Limited)

mTLD Top Level Domain Limited is a private company limited by shares,
incorporated and registered in the Republic of Ireland with registered
number 398040 and registered office at Arthur Cox Building, Earlsfort
Terrace, Dublin 2.

Received on Friday, 20 March 2009 08:48:03 UTC