Re: Raising a new issue on the need for a statement on the roles and mutual respect of author/user/transformer.

> I mean, are you all blind? or crazy? can't you see how much  
> confusion and disruption this "technology" can bring to the way the  
> Internet and the Web have worked all of these years?

Would you have a problem with it if I am blind?  Doesn't a blind  
person also deserve the right to access content on the mobile web, or  
should the submit to the will of the all mighty authors who didn't  
take into account that I may (or may not) be blind, and get locked out  
of the service?


David Storey

Chief Web Opener / Product Manager, Opera Presto / Product Manager,  
Opera Dragonfly
W3C WG:  Mobile Web Best Practices / SVG Interest Group

Opera Software ASA, Oslo, Norway
Mobile: +47 94 22 02 32

Received on Thursday, 12 March 2009 15:33:01 UTC