Minutes of (short) telco 21 July 2009

A small band of mobile web fans gathered around the metaphorical 
transmission mast today and discussed the fact that we couldn't discuss 
a lot in the absence of most of the WG. Such minutes as there are can be 
found at 
with a text version pasted below.


                            BPWG Weekly Telco

21 Jul 2009


       [2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg/2009Jul/0042.html

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2009/07/21-bpwg-irc


           Phil_Archer, DKA, edc, yeliz, SeanP

           Bruce, Jo, François, Kai, Adam, Sangwhan_Moon, Tom_Hume,
           Abel, Nacho




      * [4]Topics
      * [5]Summary of Action Items

    <PhilA2> DKA: It's going to be a short call

    <PhilA2> .. we don't have Jo or Adam on the call

    <PhilA2> ... and there's no administrativa

    <PhilA2> DKA: Is there any news on BP 1.5?

    <PhilA2> PhilA: I spent about an hour on it today. I'm cutting and
    synthesising as I go

    <PhilA2> ... hope to have it done within next 2 weeks latest

    <PhilA2> DKA: That's the right approach (the semi-autocratic one) -
    but keep a change log

    <PhilA2> DKA: Is there anything we can talk about without visibility
    of the latest draft of MAWB?

    <PhilA2> Ed: François was going to find out whether the tests
    provided by Chaals were complete?

    <PhilA2> ... since neither Chaals nor François are here we need to
    postpone that discussion.

    <PhilA2> DKA: Unless someone thinks otherwise, let's close the call
    at this point

    <PhilA2> scribe: PhilA

    <PhilA2> scribeNick: PhilA

    <PhilA2> Ed: Is there a call next week?

    <PhilA2> DKA: I believe so. Jo should be here

    <PhilA2> DKA: I'm away for the next 3 weeks

    <yeliz> bye

Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 21 July 2009 13:54:54 UTC