Re: ACTION-994: CSS MQ / secondary issues.

A few short points:

> Depends how well supported scripting is in the browser, if it is at 
> all, especially for client-server browsers. 

The MWABP document naturally assumes that scripting is available on the 
client (including for such things as access to the device's persisent 
store). If client-server browsers (such as Opera Mini) do not have access
to client facilities because scripts execute on the server, then a fortiori 
they should be considered to belong to category (1) or at most category (2) 
of, and the corresponding best practices do not apply to them.

This is again the question of what kind of devices are actually being 
considered in MWABP under a different guise.

> MQs also work with JS turned off.  

Of course, CSS can be switched off on a fair number of devices too.

> For me MQs are much easier to use as I don't have to learn JS to use them.

This is profoundly relevant to the discussion: if there is a choice of
equivalent technologies, can we recommend one based on the knowledge the
population of developers has about it? 

I have personally no clue about the relative degrees of familiarity with 
CSS and with Javascript amongst developers.

> For example if you think who may be the biggest phone operator in the 
> world, one name that might spring to mind is maybe Vodafone.

Which Vodafone? 

When it comes to the nitty-gritty of technology deployment, catalogue of
devices to support, and commercial aspects, each national subsidiary tends
to act very much like a different operator (which they originally were

Just consider one case particularly relevant to this group: transcoders.
Vodafone subsidiaries have been deploying different proxies in different
countries, or even configuring the same product in different ways in 
different countries. And whatever measures Vodafone UK has taken to mitigate
the problems caused to mobile applications, they are implemented and valid
in the UK -- but not in Spain, for instance. 

On this point, Luca is quite right who talks about a lack of unifying 



Received on Monday, 13 July 2009 14:11:04 UTC