Mailing list

Hello there,
If it would be possible could I please be placed on the mailing list for the
Mobile Web best practice working group?
I have worked in the are of financial services in developing countries for a
number of years, and am working on developing mobile banking and retail
investment in microfinance.  Also I work in a widget (software app.s)
factory, liaising between the more techy people and the content supplier a
local newspaper (, developing generic applications
for the delivery of information to a number of different foramts, mobile, PC
Also I personally have a great interest in Global Public Goods and use this
UN-developed template to illustrate an overarching academic framework for
global communications systems, the self-running (self -financing), networked
GPG of Access to Communications, with the possible implications in the
areas, of health, education, financial services, information and
I am very keen to get a deeper and better understanding of the pertinent
issues in the various areas I work in.
If you have any queries about my work etc. please do not hesitate to get in
touch.  I would be delighted to engage with others in this are and share my
work, thoughts, ideas, experiences etc.
Best regards

Garrett Wyse

Received on Friday, 10 October 2008 20:30:10 UTC