Re: A couple of suggestions for MWBP 2.0

Thanks Alan.

On Thu, Jun 19, 2008 at 7:57 AM, Alan Chuter <> wrote:

> Just a couple of suggestions that occurred to me during the meeting the
> other day:
> Identify where scripting is used and what functionality it provides (in
> case scripting is not supported).

There is a BP in roughly this area, and we discussed various tweaks at the
meeting so I will be making changes along these lines in the next version.

> Perhaps say something about all the innovative (but not widely supported)
> input devices becoming available on advanced devices like geolocation, hand
> gestures (shaking the phone), orientation, temperature, voice recognition,
> light levels, etc.

I think I took an action a little while ago to write something about
geolocation since there are widely available APIs coming in this space
(HTML5, Gears, various JP phones) so I will add this in the next draft. For
the others I don't know of any browser / web-runtime APIs that are anywhere
near being widely accessible / standardized / used so I'm not sure what we
could constructively say... But if you know otherwise, please let me know.

> regards,
> --
> Alan Chuter
> Technosite

Received on Thursday, 19 June 2008 09:24:51 UTC