Editorial meeting today on Mobile Web Application Best Practices

Dear participants of the Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group,

Here is another very short notice, especially for those of you who are 
US-based, and won't even read the message before the meeting starts, for 
which I can only apologize...

After a bit of discussion with the Chairs, we agreed to hold an 
editorial meeting on the Mobile Web Application Best Practices document. 
The goal is to polish the draft in order to publish an updated working 
draft before the end of the year.

The editorial meeting will be held today, i.e.:
  Monday 8 December 2008
  From 1400 to 1800 GMT (with a potential break between 1500 and 1600)
  Opened to participants of BPWG only

Participants of BPWG are welcome to attend! I do not have a conference 
code for the time being and suggest we meet on IRC, using the usual 
#bpwg channel:


Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 08:50:13 UTC