Minutes of 2007-10-25 BPWG phone conference



    Ed, Dom, MikeSmith, SeanPatterson, Matt, Shah, BryanSullivan

    Dan, Jo, Nacho, Abel, Miguel, Magnus, Roland, Adam, Sean,
    Kai, Chaals, Bruno, Aaron, Robert



* Topics
   1. Transition Request for Latest Draft of mobileOK Basic
      1.0 Tests
   2. Accessibility Task Force
   3. Content Transformation Task Force
   4. Checker TF
   5. AOB

* Summary of Action Items

Transition Request for Latest Draft of mobileOK Basic 1.0 Tests

   <edm> due to low attendance, suggests setting up an urgent online
   WBS poll to decide on progressing mobileOK Basic to CR

   <edm> notes that apparently there are still some comments that were
   not addressed to commenter's satisfaction...

   replies from Johannes Koch



   <edm> Apparently the issue of (updating the resource size/count
   totals) has not been addressed...

   <edm> notes that BPWG needs to recognize that some members of the
   group are not satisfied with ignoring this issue

   Bryan: if the sum of a series of the content of redirects causes
   content we are serving to fail mobileOK testing and be judged
   not-mobileOK, then we are not happy with that
   ... and the mobileOK doc as it stands stands could in fact cause
   that to happen

   Bryan: We understand that the current mobileOK Basic Tests doc is
   sort of a snapshot based on the state of technology as of a year ago
   of whatever
   ... so we are OK accepting it as that -- we don't want to stop the
   progress of the doc in its tracks -- but we do want to express this

   <edm> notes that Bryan would be satisfied if his comments were
   addressed in the next version of mobileOK Basic - and concerns duly
   noted by the BPWG

   <scribe> ACTION: Bryan to post follow-up to Johannes Koch open
   comment on public-bpwg-comments@w3.org list [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-582 - Post follow-up to Johannes Koch
   open comment on public-bpwg-comments@w3.org list [on Bryan Sullivan
   - due 2007-11-01].

   <edm> notes apparent consensus that Johannes' and Bryan's comments
   would not have to be addressed in the current version of the
   mobileOk Basic 1.0 tests...

   <edm> ... and therefore would not impede progressing it to CR

   <edm> BPWG could agree to note the implications of not addressing
   these comments in the current version - without changing it

   Bryan: One of the implications of this is that if someone identifies
   content we serve as not mobileOK because of this issue, we will
   publicly disagree with that, which means publicly disagreeing with
   that part of the document.

   <edm> notes that as long as Jo and Sean agree to recognize the issue
   and record it in the resolution to move MobileOk Basic 1.0 Tests we
   could have a poll on that

   <scribe> ACTION: Bryan to post message to member list summarizing
   what he expressed during this call about open issue with current
   mobileOK doc. [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-583 - Post message to member list
   summarizing what he expressed during this call about open issue with
   current mobileOK doc. [on Bryan Sullivan - due 2007-11-01].

   <scribe> ACTION: Jo to follow up on message from Bryan, as co-editor
   of the mobileOK doc, to record that concerns expressed by Bryan will
   be addressed by group later. [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-584 - Follow up on message from Bryan,
   as co-editor of the mobileOK doc, to record that concerns expressed
   by Bryan will be addressed by group later. [on Jo Rabin - due

   <scribe> ACTION: Smith to create WBS questionnaire to ask group
   about transitioning mobileOK doc to CR. [recorded in

   <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-585 - Create WBS questionnaire to ask
   group about transitioning mobileOK doc to CR. [on Michael(tm) Smith
   - due 2007-11-01].

Accessibility Task Force



   achuter: was some concern about not enough participation in
   Accessibility TF ...
   ... but over the past week, progress has been quite decent ...
   ... comments from Charles ...



   achuter: we have also scheduled some discussion with the Education
   and Outreach group at the TPAC in Boston next month

   edm: Any questions from anybody?

   <edm> notes that some comments are still pending and will be
   incorporated in the new version of the document in about a week

Content Transformation Task Force

   SeanPatterson: Spent part of the call resolving that the Problem
   Statement doc title should be changed to Content Transformation

   <edm> http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-ct-landscape-20071025/


   SeanPatterson: which will be published as WG Note

   <edm> notes that the Guidelines document would probably focus first
   on transformation occurring only in one place - i.e., transformation

   SeanPatterson: The current consensus is forming around scope of the
   guidelines doc to be limited to case where the transformation
   happens in one place, the CT proxy

Checker TF

   <edm> apparently no news since the alpha release announcement...

   <edm> suggests skipping the ACTIONS and ISSUES


   <edm> notes that any and all suggestions and contributions regarding
   the agenda for the upcoming f2f should be submitted to the mailing

   Thanks to Ed for chairing

   <edm> bye

   [meeting adjourned at 00:15 JST]

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Bryan to post follow-up to Johannes Koch open comment
   on public-bpwg-comments@w3.org list [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Bryan to post message to member list summarizing what
   he expressed during this call about open issue with current mobileOK
   doc. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Jo to follow up on message from Bryan, as co-editor of
   the mobileOK doc, to record that concerns expressed by Bryan will be
   addressed by group later. [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Smith to create WBS questionnaire to ask group about
   transitioning mobileOK doc to CR. [recorded in

Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Friday, 26 October 2007 00:24:28 UTC