Re: The page is not served with a cache control header

The test is looking for an actual header in the HTTP response:

Cache-Control: private

rather than one specified in a <meta> tag. This will typically require
you to configure your web server in some way or else use your
scripting language to set headers.

The tests have changed a bit since this checker was implemented to be
more lenient here since this configuration may be very difficult or
impossible in some cases. But setting the header is most desirable.


On 6/21/07, alex. B. <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have this error in my mobile's page :
> The page is not served with a cache control header.
> This test is related to the following Best Practices: CACHING (techniques)
> I don't understand this error.  Could you help me?
> I try with some different meta but it's always the same error.Why???
> for exemple :
> <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="max-age=100" />
> I look forward to your answer.
> A.B
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Received on Friday, 22 June 2007 14:57:38 UTC