Discontinuation of ANEC representation

Dear Colleagues,


This is to inform you that ANEC will discontinue its representation and activities in the Mobile Web Best Practices W3C activity, as a

consequence of re-focusing and prioritization of ANEC's limited resources available for this work.


However, ANEC's W3C representation will continue in the Advisory Committee and WAI through Nikos Floratos, a colleague I would like you to warmly welcome.


I would like to thank you for the excellent working relations and collaboration and great time we've had during the past years with the hope that 

consumer issues and aspects will not be forgotten and addressed properly, when developing the mobile Web of tomorrow.    


With best regards and Season’s Greetings,


Bruno von Niman, M.Sc.

Lead Expert

vonniman consulting

the ICT user experience company

Voice:           +46 733 66 1234                                Dalen 13   

Fax:              +46 733 60 9699                                SE- 132 45 Saltsjö-Boo   

Email:            <mailto:bruno@vonniman.com> bruno@vonniman.com                       Stockholm 

Skype:           brunovonniman                                 Sweden   


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Received on Thursday, 20 December 2007 16:37:42 UTC