Change in Staffing for the Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group


As some of you have may have noticed, Mike Smith is now the Staff
Contact for the HTML Working Group and the Web Applications Format
Working Group, and given the size of these Working Groups, Mike won't
have the time to continue as Staff Contact for this group.

As a result of this situation, I'm pleased to introduce François Daoust
(, our brand new addition to the W3C Team, which will join me
as co-Staff Contact for this group.

François and I will share the tasks for the upcoming months; once
François has learned all the ropes, I'll probably leave him as the main
contact for the group. In particular, I may not be able to attend all
the F2F meetings of this group. But in any case, both François and I
will be attending the teleconf for the foreseeable future.

François will be on the call with me today, and will have a chance to
introduce himself at the start of the call.

Please join me in welcoming François to the group, and thanking Mike for
all the work he put in  helping our group produce its great progress
over the past year.


Received on Thursday, 6 December 2007 13:27:59 UTC