Mobile Web Best Practices are a Candidate Recommendation


As you may have read elsewhere, and quoting from the blog:

           Yesterday, the [8]Mobile Web Best Practices document advanced
   Candidate Recommendation status. Read the [9]press release and
   accompanying [10]testimonials. This document encompasses the best
   practice thinking of many companies and organizations around how to
   bring the Web to the mobile device.


   What is the next step? We need to collect [11]implementation reports
   that detail the experiences of real Web development efforts in
   implementing these best practices. If you're developing a Web site
   with Mobile users in mind, please pick up this document and use it
   as a set of guidelines for implementation.


   If you have find ambiguities or need further detail, first look to
   the [12]Techniques Wiki. If you can't find an answer there, please
   post to the [13]public mailing list and a working group member will
   respond. If you find some incomplete or erroneous information in the
   Wiki and you think you know better, I encourage you to modify the
   page in question. Our intention is to build this Wiki up as a living
   body of knowledge about Mobile Web Development, around the core of
   the best practices guidelineswe've just published. I see this Wiki
   as being more useful in the long-run than the best practices
   themselves, especially as it begins to aggregate information from
   implementers from around the Web.


   Finally, please consider writing an implementation report on the
   implementability of our best practice guidelines. This will help us
   move this candidate recommendation through to full recommendation
   Daniel Appelquist


Received on Wednesday, 28 June 2006 16:57:30 UTC