Re: Best Practices : Some Background

Hello Markus,

> Can this two-site philosophy be aided in anyway by markup standards? For instance can there be a 'content for PC' tag in a page with an 'ALT' tag, similar to images now, which gives the alternative, Mobile content? Also, how much strength does the w3c have to suggest changes in markup standards with the networks like DoCoMo and Vodafone?

The W3C Device Independence Working Group has been working in that 
"direction" for a while.
As the whole thread shows, it is not that simple. the frontier mobile 
content vs pc vary a lot depending on the application. For some people 
it is related with the mobility, for some other related with the size of 
the screen, ..... What is important is that the value of what we call 
the delivery context (see [0] for definition), in which the author would 
select the appropriate parameters for his application to trigger the 
We identified this needs in early state of the art studies (read [1] and 
  [2]) and we developed a technology called DISelect ([3]) which is now 
under review by the community. so if you want to review it you are welcome.
Our general philosophy is, for author, "write once, render everywhere" 
which aim at allowing an author to write his raw information once, and 
then just add extra needed information so that this information would be 
accessible from a wide range of devices. We identified at least 3 major 
gaps to fill :
- allowing an author to trigger the size of the information to be 
displayed according to the value of the delivery context (device 
capabilities, user preferences, network capability,...) and DISelect is 
the technology developed to fill that part
- allowing an author to define multiple layout for the same information 
which will be selected according to the delivery context also (working 
in conjunction with CSS WG)
- allowing an author to trigger the transformation of one web page to 
multiples (a micro-site) pages and allowing to define relationship ad 
extra navigatoin between small generated pages. we are just starting 
working on this one.

If you are interested by these topics i encourage to follow the DIWG 
public page ([4]) and diwg public list :
You can also have a look at our charter defining our set of items we are 
currently tackling ([5])

Hope this helps
Stephane Boyera
Device Independence Activity Lead
W3C				+33 (0) 4 92 38 78 34
BP 93				fax: +33 (0) 4 92 38 78 22
F-06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex,		

Received on Sunday, 24 July 2005 20:32:36 UTC