- From: Phil Archer <parcher@icra.org>
- Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:20:08 +0000
- To: mobileOK Pro <public-bpwg-pro@w3.org>
During last week's call I took an action to look at this issue again. I originally did this in July 2006 (how time drags...) with a thread stating at [1]. This lead to a brief exchange of e-mails with Jo and Charles, as a result of which I offer the following tests for TC, only slightly revised since that time. Of these, I would suggest that only no. 4 is a little grey. 1. Branding is identical. Any logos are the same (although size and position may vary). 2. Where provided, identical metadata, such as title, keywords and Description Resources, MUST be equally applicable irrespective of the delivery context. The specific exceptions to this are character encoding and MIME type where alternatives are delivered to give a better user experience on a particular device. 3. If a device accesses a URI that resolves to a resource that is not appropriate to it, it should be redirected to an appropriate device independent starting point. Such redirection may be offered as a choice to the user or, if it is automated, the user should have the option of reverting to the original URI. 4. If a resource has some functionality or service on one type of device, the same functionality or service must be available on the other, although it may be presented in a different way or require different input. A device may be redirected from the originally accessed URI to achieve this. If the functionality or service is only available in either a mobile or desktop context then a credible explanation must be given as to why this is so when accessed from the other class of device. If these tests are OK, do we need to create examples? Maybe a screenshot of a desktop presentation of example.com (complete with a logo) and a mobile one, but with similar text. And then maybe keep the same desktop presentation but on the mobile one show something unrelated. Maybe the desktop is about gardening and the mobile one is just an ad for a florist? But would such examples add to the document? Happy to do them if they would but it would be rather time consuming and the tests above may be sufficient on their own? [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-bpwg/2006Jul/0044.html -- Phil Archer Chief Technical Officer, Family Online Safety Institute w. http://www.fosi.org/people/philarcher/
Received on Wednesday, 12 March 2008 07:19:36 UTC