RE: Tests document to include Basic Tests?

I think this is the right approach.

You might even consider using the dreaded target attribute so that
people can have the documents open side by side. 

[Puts head down below parapet and waits for 1001 reasons that this is a
bad idea.]


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:public-bpwg-pro-
>] On Behalf Of Alan Chuter
> Sent: 20 February 2008 08:50
> To: Mobile Web BP Pro list
> Subject: Tests document to include Basic Tests?
> I am thinking about how people are actually going to use the document
> in practice. To claim MobileOK Pro they will have to carry out the
> Basic tests and the Pro Tests. Are they to do this separately, or are
> we going to include the basic tests, or at least references to them in
> the Pro document. I propose doing the latter, at least by means of a
> link. In practice I have, for example under GRAPHICS_FOR_SPACING,
> included the Basic Test as the first step in the Pro test, with a
> link. It would have been better to simply include (link to) the Basic
> Test as another test for Pro.
> Otherwise people will get dizzy hopping from one document to another.
> --
> Alan Chuter,
> Senior Web Accessibility Consultant, Technosite (
> Researcher, Inredis Project (
> Email:
> Alternative email:
> Blogs:

Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2008 09:04:16 UTC