Re: ACTION-649: Create a telco for the TF on a weekly basis

The setup is done.

The teleconference is scheduled on the days and times mentioned below, see:

Phone: tel:+16177616200, tel:+33489063499 or tel:+441173706152
Code 27776 ("BPPRO") followed by #

Same IRC channel as usual: #bpwg


Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich wrote:
> ACTION-649: Create a telco for the TF on a weekly basis
> Telefone conference for mobileOK Pro Tests will be held
> Wednesdays 10:30 CET (9:30 GMT/UTC)
> Duration: 30 minutes
> Francois is doing the setup with Zakim
> -- Kai
> Please make note of my new email address:

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 16:32:08 UTC