Re: Status mobileOK Pro Tests document

I've done my homework, sir (looked at tests 1 - 7).

Talk to you tomorrow.


Scheppe, Kai-Dietrich wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to see how the document is coming?
> As a reminder, we had set a deadline of 14 days for submission of a
> draft, request for 1st PWD and for a reformulated charter (the charter
> has to undergo yet another iteration).
> That deadline would be tomorrow or the day after, depending on how you
> slice it and I still need to cast this into a HTML document.
> (Looks like I'll be hand coding since I don't have an account at the
> moment...its in the works)
> Could you please let everybody know today how you are coming with your
> actions to revise the tests?
> Thanks
> Kai

Phil Archer
Chief Technical Officer,
Family Online Safety Institute

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 15:01:42 UTC