Content for ACTION-666

Hello everyone,

Apologies for how late this is before the F2F.

I tried to work in the bits form the previous drafts, and to add some
things that I'm sure will cause a bit of debate.

2.5 Control of the Behavior of the Proxy
A transforming proxy as described in this document must offers a level
of control to users, to origin servers with which it communicates and
potentially to other parties outside the scope of this document.

2.5.1 Control by the User
Transforming proxies SHOULD provide to their users:

  - An indication that the content being viewed has been adapted for
mobile presentation.  If the content has not been modified, because of
server or user preferences, but transformation is possible and
potentially useful, the proxy MAY indicate that a transformed version
is available.  [Aaron Kemp: This is a direct contradiction of section
3.1.1, which I think we should talk about.]

  - An option to view the original, unmodified content.  Ideally, the
original content will be retrieved from cache whenever possible to
eliminate a second request to the origin server.

[Aaron Kemp: I'd like to add something like this:

A transforming proxy MAY offer additional "sticky" preferences to
their users, such as the ability to ignore preferences set by a server
that could cause their phone to malfunction.

...but I don't imagine that will be well received?]

2.5.2 Control by the Origin Server
Transforming proxies MUST provide support for control over the content
transformation process by origin servers.

These control mechanisms are detailed in section 3 (Behavior of Components).

In situations where the origin server's preferences and the user's
preferences disagree, the user's SHOULD take preference.  [Aaron Kemp:
This is my opinion, and I'm sure it isn't shared by everyone.  I do
believe we should indicate whose preferences win, one way or another.]

2.5.3 Control by Administrative or Other Arrangements
The preferences of users and of servers MAY be ascertained by means
outside the scope of this document.

Unfortunately I won't be at the F2F, but I plan to lurk on IRC as much
as possible.


Received on Monday, 3 March 2008 06:04:57 UTC