Re: [wmlprogramming] Verizon, guidelines

On 21 Dec 2008, at 15:36, Luca Passani wrote:

> > 2. Users are less likely to want full-web content (e.g. long  
> "about" pages, privacy policies)
> > in a mobile context, but may occasionally want it.
> correct, with a very import note. The fact that a user may want a  
> full-web transcoded page does NOT imply that a user is entitled to  
> have it. In particular, if the content owner does not want them to,  
> users do not have this right.

Absolutely, and requiring that transcoders respect no-transform allows  
content providers to express this right.

I realise you feel that no-transform is a "legacy" header (whatever  
that means) that has been "hijacked" (whatever that means).  
Conversations with folks outside of mobile or the W3C[1] seem to  
indicate that no-transform isn't really all that controversial: it's  
the way to do this.

> Transcoders are free to offer the possibility of transcoding, but  
> they should go out of their way to protect mobile optimised content  
> AND the rights of fully-fledged websites that do not want to be  
> transcoded.

Indeed. Mobile optimised content should be offered by default where  
it's available, and no-transform should be respected. I don't hear any  
disagreement on these points.

> The situation here is that some transcoders (notably novarra) go out  
> of their way to fool websites and extort web content when a mobile  
> version might be available.
> My point is that CTG should be clear that this is not acceptable

Read it again Luca. It is quite specific that this is not acceptable,  
in section 4.1.5 and in

> As I had written in  , CTG might  
> specify that the operators adds the transcoder info in HTTP headers:

It already does. See section, requiring transcoders to add a  
Via header which explicitly states they are transcoders (as opposed to  
other kinds of proxy).

[... Luca's new idea snipped...]

Sounds like a reasonable suggestion, but is also new technology  
(therefore out of scope), seems to conflict with your desire to  
minimise work on the part of developers, and I don't see much  
different in effort-for-developer between this and detecting Via/X- 
Device-User-Agent headers.

Meanwhile, back at the point I was trying to make: if you feel there  
are loopholes in the language of the CTG doc, please suggest  
alternative language which retains the meaning but closes the  
loopholes. No-one wants the hard work that's gone into the document to  
be wasted thanks to linguistic tomfoolery.


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Received on Sunday, 21 December 2008 15:53:30 UTC