Re: New draft 1h of Content Transformation Guidelines - Candidate for FPWD

Thanks Jo!
Nice draft! :)

Small typo fixes:
first bullet says "the use by transforming proxies"
second bullet says "the use by THE transforming proxies"
-> to "the" or not to "the"? Personally, I never know when "the" is
needed. Anyway.

"if it is still in doubt, issue a request with THE altered headers"
-> just in case, since - as mentioned above - I never know when "the" is
needed. Why "the"?

"in the FOR "X-Device-"<original header name>"
-> in the form?

"include Vary header containing the value '*'"
-> missing an "a" before "Vary"?

In the editorial note, no space between "Link" and "HTTP header"


On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 17:34 +0100, Jo Rabin wrote:
> Please forgive the cross posting.
> There is now a new draft of the Content Transformation Guidelines [1]
> available. This draft, or one very similar to it, is the candidate for
> First Public Working Draft (FPWD) transition request. Although the
> work of the BPWG CT Task Force has been conducted in public, and each
> draft has been publically accessible, this transition request
> represents a formal request for comments from the public at large. The
> document has been cleaned to allow this to happen, though there are
> still plenty of editorial comments where the Task Force requests input
> or has concerns.
> Please take the time to read this draft, which will be the subject of
> a resolution to transition to FPWD on the members' call next Thursday
> (2008-04-10).
> Thanks
> Jo
> [1]

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2008 19:16:20 UTC