- From: Jo Rabin <jrabin@mtld.mobi>
- Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 16:06:24 +0100
- To: <public-bpwg-ct@w3.org>
For pretty version see [1]. Jo [1] http://www.w3.org/2007/10/02-bpwg-minutes.html Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 2 Oct 2007 Agenda See also: IRC log Attendees Present Jo, SeanP, Andrew Regrets Rhys Chair Jo Scribe SeanPatterson Contents * Topics 1. Review of Action Items 2. ACTION-551 3. ACTION-552 4. ACTION-557 5. ACTION-558 6. ACTION-566 7. ACTION-567 8. Sean's Contribution 9. non standard headers 10. Vary Header 11. AOB * Summary of Action Items <trackbot-ng> Date: 02 October 2007 <jo> Meeting: Content Transformation Task Force <jo> scribenick: SeanPatterson Review of Action Items <jo> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/products/12 ACTION-550 Feedback from several people <jo> Jo: Comments on how to take proposed text forward <jo> SeanP: Have a response prepared to your comment (Jo) and am preparing responses to others <jo> ... how do we handle this usually <jo> jo: not unusual to have divergent views and not unhealthy at this stage <jo> sean: will post responses with a view to driving forward on some consensus <jo> ... will try to get stuff out over this week ACTION-551 Jo: Aaron has made a contribution on 9/22 ... It was an outline of section 2.3 ... No comments yet so we can't do anything yet. ACTION-552 Andrew: Apologize for tardy response. Has some notes. Jo: Go ahead and send the notes. Andrew: Aware of amout of discussion of topic. ... Will get contribution in by next conf. call. Jo: Aware of discussion as well. ACTION-557 Jo: On me. Can close that. ACTION-558 Jo: On Andrew. Andrew: Sometimes don't get actions sent to me. ... Sometimes doesn't get each email to mailing list. Jo: Looks like there is a problem on Andrew's end. Andrew: Will check archives for email messages. ... Has raised issue; no contributions yet. Jo: Can't close yet--mark it as pending. Andrew: Sent an email on this action on 9/25. Jo: Not showing up on Trackbot. ... It did show up on Trackbot. ACTION-566 Jo: Have done half of this. ACTION-567 Jo: On Rhys, he did that <jo> ACTION: Jo to find out what has happened to the zakim slot [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/10/02-bpwg-minutes.html#action01] <trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-572 - Find out what has happened to the zakim slot [on Jo Rabin - due 2007-10-09]. Sean's Contribution <jo> (Jo notes that we are not quorate for a decision but useful to discuss) <jo> (Andrew notes debate and noted that there is a body of opinion in favour of preserving original user agent, asks Sean for comment on the problems with that) <jo> Sean: main problem is that lots of web servers that return nothing or "please upgrade browser if you send the original user agent <jo> Andrew: any idea of how many sites do this <jo> ... i.e. either we have a problem with blocking sites or with mobile sites whichever way we do it so it would be useful to know some numbers <jo> Sean: ... the long tail of the Web won't change, whereas mobile sites are assumed to be still under maintenance and so greater possibility of change <jo> ... I will ask for whatever data on this <jo> Andrew: It would be useful if other WG colleagues could get a fix on this <jo> ... I note that dotMobi is doing "find" has dotMobi got any data on this <jo> Jo: yes, lots, so has Google I expect, I'll see what I can do, may be in confidence if I can get anything <jo> s/I'll see what/ non standard headers <jo> Andrew: wonder if we should use non-standard headers at all <jo> ... should we use the Via instead of X-Mobile-Gateway <jo> Sean: the problem is that the comment field can be stripped from Via <jo> ... I know that Jo proposed a way of using Via, but there could be quite a lot of info we want to add <jo> ... which would be hard to do using Jo's proposal <jo> ... e.g. multiple transformations servers - etc. <jo> jo: I know we have been talking specifically at the HTTP header level, necessarily because that's what a lot of the discussion is about, but I think we should actually focus our efforts on developing Magnus's work - i.e. first figure out who is saying what to whom, and then figure how that maps to HTTP headers, existing or otherwise <jo> sean: i agree with that approach <jo> jo: I think we can state in principle we prefer not to invent new HTTP headers but can't decide for now whether that is achievable or not <jo> ... I suggested 8 different use cases for analysis of who needs to say what to whom <jo> ... but better to have that discussion by email <jo> Sean: Would prefer Magnus to be present Vary Header Andrew: Jo, could you explain your use of Vary header--thought that i could only be used in the context of cache Jo: Can use Vary header for CT ... Says that server has variance of a particular URI ... is useful for saying that a server is an adapting server ... certainly does no harm of including it Andrew: I think you are correct Jo: At dotMobi we have suggested that people use it. ... If you masquerade the user agent and got back a Vary header, you know that you are in trouble ... We've held off (at dotMobi) in making recommendations because of this group <jo> Sean: I agree that the Vary header can be used for that purpose <jo> ... it's a reasonable use of it to signal that there are different representations <jo> [jo: at dotMobi we wanted the actions of the trancoding proxy to be figured out in this group] AOB <jo> [none] <jo> [call closed at 15:52 BST] Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: Jo to find out what has happened to the zakim slot [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/10/02-bpwg-minutes.html#action01] [End of minutes] --- Jo Rabin mTLD (http://dotmobi.mobi) mTLD Top Level Domain Limited is a private limited company incorporated and registered in the Republic of Ireland with registered number 398040 and registered office at Arthur Cox Building, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2.
Received on Tuesday, 2 October 2007 15:07:00 UTC