[minutes] Minutes of Content Transformation Task Force, 31 July 2007

Please find these minutes at [1] and as text below.


[1] http://www.w3.org/2007/07/31-bpwg-minutes.html

Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference
31 Jul 2007


See also: IRC log

    Andrew, DKA, Jo, Kemp, Rhys, Rob, Rotan, Sean


    * Topics
         1. Problem Statement Document
         2. Guidelines document
         3. TF Home Page
         4. Any other business
    * Summary of Action Items



<trackbot-ng> Date: 31 July 2007

<Rhys> Zakin, who is here

<scribe> scribenick: jo

<scribe> scribe: Jo

--> mailing list: mailto:public-bpwg-ct@w3.org

archive --> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/
Problem Statement Document

rhys: definition of the problem we are trying to solve, a number of
audiences we are trying to address in the other doc but first we need to
define the problem

<skarim> * Shah also notes that Zakim lines are full.

rhys: we brainstormed some items at the F2F

<DKA> Hi all -- getting "this conference is full" error from Zakim...


<Rotan> Seems the W3C has bouncers on the door :(

rhys: we need an editor for it
... jo and I were on the hook for it
... does anyone want to edit it?

jo: I don't mind as long as the group is the principal contributor

andrew: I'll help - I hesitate to edit it though

rhys: i.e. contribute material

sean: I will help contribute too

<Rotan> +1 to contributing, actively.

rhys: any more for any more
... thanks rotan

<DKA> I am calling Philipp.

rhys: think we should do a W3C note - fairly informal, not on the rec
track, just for recording information - things like requirements
... does ger formally published but only needs light review
... anyone think we should do it differently?
... by wiki maybe?

<skarim> To all having trouble dialing in : The Conference code is bpwg
(2794) and not btcf as listed on the wesite

jo: thinks we should not do it on the wiki

andrew: do we have a wiki?

<DKA> ok.

rhys: yes, but it has very specific purposes

<DKA> oh

rhys: and the technology is in a state of flux - plus BPWG is not fully
committed to wikification
... so no disagreement

PROPOSED RESOLUTION: The problem statement will be published as a W3C

<kemp> +1

<DKA> +1

<Rotan> +1

<Andrew> +1

RESOLUTION: The problem statement will be published as a W3C Note

rhys: the other thing to do was to look at the problem statement
... just a brain dump

<ph> hi - is the content adaptation TF using this channel?

--> problem statement:

<Rhys> yes this is the content adaptation TF meeting

<Rotan> Hi Philipp, yes, we are here.

<DKA> So is the problem with the dial-in resolved?

<DKA> Philipp wants to know if he should escalate.

rhys: any comments?

<Rotan> I'm using BCTF

andrew: it captures what we discussed correctly
... just needs transcribing into a story

Sean: agree that it is what we discussed

<DKA> I'm confused.

<DKA> ok I will try bctf again.

<ph> matt, is there still an issue with people getting on the call?

<ph> i had danA on the line

<DKA> nope -- BCTF is still full.

<ph> ok

<DKA> (sorry to disrupt the call here -- but I think a lot of people are
having trouble getting in)

<ph> so what we can apparently do is get a new code

<ph> i guess that's what matt is doing right now:)

<Rhys> Sorry to everyone who is trying to get in. We think that Zakim
may only have 5 lines reserved for the BCTF call

<DKA> Ok I am on 26631

<DKA> listening to no-one right now.

<kemp> zakim who is here?

<scribe> scribenick: jo

<ph> ok, things are under control?

<ph> nobody being rejected by zakim?

<ph> ok

<ph> sorry about this!!

problem statement:

<ph> all right, have a good meeting then

Rhys: we were just discussing the problem statement and agreeing that it
was OK

<Rotan> +1 to proposal to use these as the basis of formal problem

PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Problem statement note will be built from the email
in IRC above

PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Problem statement note will be built from the email
at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/2007Jul/0001.html

<kemp> +1

<Andrew> +1

RESOLUTION: Problem statement note will be built from the email at

rhys: when will you have a draft Jo?

jo: er, early Spetember?

rhys: 2nd week in September then
... so andrew and sean, if you have some thoughts on how to organise the
problem statements and mail them to the list that would be useful

andrew: yes, I will aim to get this done before next call

rhys: best efforts

<scribe> ACTION: Andrew to draft a structure for not within 2 weeks
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/07/31-bpwg-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-533 - Draft a structure for not within 2
weeks [on Andrew Swainston - due 2007-08-07].

sean: I will coordinate with Andrew

rhys: any other contributions on problem statement document?
Guidelines document

rhys: editors - jo and I had our necks on the block for this - anyone

<Rotan> Happy to volunteer to contrib material, but out of bandwidth for

rhys: so if ok with Jo, I'll do the initial work on this

<kemp> also want to contribute

rhys: I guess that lots of people will be interested in contributing on
... there is a breadth of experience etc needed so lots of people will
want to contribute
... please indicate now if that is so ...

<Andrew> I wish to contribute

kemp: I cant edit but want to contribute

rhys: the place to start is probably with the section heads
... initial publication as a WD we can take it as far as we wish to go
... we have talked about normative vs non-normative
... we can decide on REC track document status later
... anyone disagree on doing a WD

PROPOSED RESOLUTION: First publication of the guidelines will be a W3C
Working Draft

RESOLUTION: First publication of the guidelines will be a W3C Working

Rhys: we can probably have a table of contents by 2nd week in

<scribe> ACTION: Rhys to draft a table of contents of the Guidelines
document by 10 Sept [recorded in

<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-534 - Draft a table of contents of the
Guidelines document by 10 Sept [on Rhys Lewis - due 2007-08-07].

<Rotan> Comments on a wiki pointing to the evolving docs might be
useful, if only we had a nice wiki :)

rhys: any other comments on the 2 docs?

<Rhys> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/CT/Overview.html
TF Home Page

--> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/TaskForces/CT/Overview.html

rhys: quite a lot up to date and correct - as we create document we'll
add links to the page
... thanks to Jo for putting together
... anyone want to see anything else there

dka: do we want to put in any kind of wiki together?

rhys: at the moment we don't need to do a wiki

<Rotan> +1 to trying something wiki-like for comments on the main

<Rotan> Blogging works for me too.

rhys: we did talk about doing a blog rather than a wiki

andrew: when we discussed wiki it was in the context of the problem
... I think that for the guidelines it would be useful

rhys: there are a couple of ways of using a wiki - a) as information
... my only hesitation is that material we put into the wiki now might
need to be converted to a different technology later
... but if there is a burning desire to use one then that would be ok
... other groups have found that the email lists etc, is an effective
way to work
... so alternatives to wikis can be effective
... and that the BP group thinks that's an OK way to work

<Rotan> [I'm working on a wiki-to-wiki transfer for existing W3C docs,
as a skunk-works activity. No promises!]

rhys: think that DKA's point was about communicating with the otside

DKA: think its blurry

[scribe can't hear DKA]

<Rotan> [Yes, I'm doing a wiki-to-XMLSpec too. Such a pain!]

rhys: in the DD group we have to transform from wiki to document format
... if people think we should do it by wiki then that is what we should

jo: think that anything that makes it more laborious for the editors is

rhys: would prefer to receive by email

dka: [muffled]

<Andrew> I am happy with Rhys' approach

<kemp> +1 to email, easy to keep up to date

<Rotan> Perhaps we need a TF on wiki authoring and adaptation of wiki
content :)

rhys: that's my opinion but if there is strong opinion in group tat we
should review that then would be happy to listen

<rob> +1 to whatever editors are comfortable with

rhys: did not hear any adverse comments on TF home page
Any other business


rhys: so we are through the agenda, thanks to everyone for being on the
... let's have a call in 2 weeks time and meantime increase the number
of lines on the call to around 12

<scribe> ACTION: Matt to increase number of lines on BCTF [recorded in

<trackbot-ng> Created ACTION-535 - Increase number of lines on BCTF [on
Matt Womer - due 2007-08-07].


<Andrew> quit
Summary of Action Items
[NEW] ACTION: Andrew to draft a structure for not within 2 weeks
[recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/07/31-bpwg-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Matt to increase number of lines on BCTF [recorded in
[NEW] ACTION: Rhys to draft a table of contents of the Guidelines
document by 10 Sept [recorded in
[End of minutes]

Received on Tuesday, 31 July 2007 15:04:36 UTC