[mobileOK-basic10-tests] CSS WG comments

Here are the comments from the CSS WG on

[The deadline was yesterday, but I forgot to send them before going 
home. Sorry.]

section 2.3.4:
    The "not" in "style elements whose type attribute is not
    "text/css"" is erroneous since the type attribute on the style
    element is REQUIRED as per [2]. Maybe just a typo?

section 3.4:
    "If the Internet media type is "text/css" and the content is not
    well-formed CSS (contains mismatching brackets or illegal
    characters), FAIL" should probably be rewritten, because CSS doesn't
    define the term "well-formed."

    But it is not immediately clear what it should be rewritten as. The
    CSS spec is written to (1) allow future extensions and (2) to make
    the meaning well-defined for as large a set of inputs as possible. A
    visual UA will ignore the (legal) 'cue' property the same way it
    ignores the (misspelled) 'magrin' property. There is no need for CSS
    to say that one is legal and the other an error.

    Illegal characters and unparsable input are explicitly undefined in
    CSS, so there is no doubt that those must not be "mobileOK." On the
    other hand, the handling of unbalanced parentheses *is*
    well-defined. Informally, the wording suggests that unbalanced
    parentheses are worse errors than unknown properties, but in the
    spec they are handled the same way, viz., with rules to throw away
    parsed tokens.

    Maybe: "If [...] content triggers at least one CSS parsing error as
    defined in the CSS specification, FAIL."

    CSS 2.1 has a section 4.2 called "parsing errors," but there are
    errors defined in other sections, too. CSS 2.1 section 4.2 has this:

      - Unknown properties
      - Illegal values
      - Malformed declarations
      - Invalid at-keywords (*)
      - Unexpected end of style sheet
      - Unexpected end of string
      - (by reference to 4.1.7:) Invalid selector

    (* already separated out in MobileOK section 3.22)

    Other errors are defined in section 4.1:

      - Input that cannot be tokenized or parsed (section 4.1.1)
      - Vendor-specific extensions (
      - U+0 character (4.1.3)
      - Non-Unicode characters (4.1.3)

    For example, a style sheet that consists of just this


    cannot be parsed.


For the CSS WG,
  Bert Bos                                ( W 3 C ) http://www.w3.org/
  http://www.w3.org/people/bos                               W3C/ERCIM
  bert@w3.org                             2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
  +33 (0)4 92 38 76 92            06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France

Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2007 14:54:42 UTC