Missing points in current last call draft

There are at least 4 Best Practices that are not apparently covered by the  
existing draft:

1. Don't format text as justified.

Text aligned to be justified on both sides is often problematic on the web  
in general - on mobile devices with a relatively small range of fonts and  
display options, it seriously reduces legibility of content, often at a  
cost of some extra processing.

2. Identify word breaks.

(This is related to the previous point)

Long words which can be broken should include useful information about  
appropriate points to do so by including a ­ or similar.

3. Use Device-independent event triggers

in HTML, the onmouse* and onkey* triggers are somewhat difficult to  
trigger from the range of devices available. onclick is generally  
implemented in such a way that any device can trigger  it, and mutation  
events (form changes, page load, etc) do not rely on a particular user  
interface anyway.

4. Balance page weight and latency

In a number of cases it will be appropriate to provide a choice between a  
large page and the same page broken into appropriate chunks. (Browsers  
like Opera mini will in any case break a page into appropriate sized  
pieces for phones that need this done).

It can also be important to decide what resources to include externally,  
and which to include in the page. Use of the data: URI scheme can allow  
small images to be included inline (as can SVG where supported by the  
browser), and stylesheets and scripts can likewise be incorporated in the  
page, reducing latency effects caused by fetching multiple resources, or  
linked to allow efficiency from decisions on whether to load them and from  



Charles McCathieNevile                     chaals@opera.com
   hablo español  -  je parle français  -  jeg lærer norsk
      Peek into the kitchen: http://snapshot.opera.com/

Received on Monday, 20 February 2006 14:40:42 UTC