Re:Comments on Draft 13 January 2006


I forgot to apply the disclaimer, in my last mail, as my comments, here and
in the previous mail, are purely from a usability point of view.

A few more points:

2.6 Device Limitations

The word "Device Limitations" is not right,

The main interest here, should be to to first make note of the fact that the
mobile device, has an evolution which is very isolated from the evolution of
the PC.

The mobile device was evolved from the Telephone, rather than the Desktop
PC. Hence, the mobile device as it currently exists, is an advancement of
Graham Bell's invention, rather than a downgrade of Charles Babbage's

Where it goes, from there, is an advancement to a cornerstone of the
virtual, online, World.

The mobile device is slowly becoming a key component of the wearable
computing phenomena, where multiple devices, will use the mobile device as a
central point of control and storage.

Hence "Differences between the mobile device and the computer" would be the
right word to use.

2.7 Advantages

A point to add:

The mobile is destined to be a universal point of data storage, and
execution, rather than a data creator. This is greatly due to the various
means of device-device communication available to the mobile, such as the
operator network, Wi-fi, Infrared, Bluetooth, audio ports and USB ports.
5.2.6 Access KeysAccess keys, should be made accessible, according to
prevalent usability standards.
One standard, would be that page up and Page Down keys, must be permanently
hard-coded, to make navigation of a page, less arduous.
One suggested implementation, is to use a slider key for the volume, during
the phone mode. Then, when the browser is activated, use the same slider key
as a Page Up-Down key.

Comments or opinions expressed here, and in the previous mail, are my own
and do not represent the views of Jataayu Software, it's management or
employees. Jataayu Software is not responsible and disclaims any and all
liability for the content of my comments.

Received on Monday, 13 February 2006 22:33:23 UTC