- From: Dave Lewis <dave.lewis@cs.tcd.ie>
- Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2013 10:38:48 +0100
- To: public-bpmlod-contrib@w3.org
Hi Guys, One topic where I think this group could have a quick impact is engaging with groups looking a meta-data related to publishing open data sets and making sure they consider declaring the relevant language codes for the textual content of the data. For example DCAT has a language property: http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/ VoID doesn't seem to have any mention of this: http://vocab.deri.ie/void and I just raised an issue on this for the Open Data Institute's Open Data Certificate activity: https://github.com/theodi/open-data-certificate/issues/39 Are there other similar inititatives we should engage with? cheers, Dave
Received on Tuesday, 23 April 2013 09:39:16 UTC