Re: The future of our Blockchain community group

On 20 October 2017 at 00:49, Colleen Kirtland <> wrote:

> Hi Melvin, We lost some momentum on this, but I will say that the last few
> times we attempted to meet no one showed up. That being said, I'm curious
> if people in addition to Melvin are interested in having us poll the group
> via Survey Monkey. If I get more than 10 responses to this, I'll create a
> quick survey to gauge how we an help. Thank you!


It's more typical for a Working Group to meet regularly, and less typical
for a Community Group (which is more casual).

However if there's enough interest in specific use cases or work items,
it's possible to transition from one to another.

> On Thursday, October 19, 2017, 7:52:23 AM PDT, Melvin Carvalho <
>> wrote:
> On 9 August 2017 at 17:23, Colleen Kirtland <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Mountie and I discussed today that since the interest in our Community
> Group has honestly been very modest, we will send out a brief Survey Monkey
> to members to gauge if there is interest in continuing or disbanding. If
> there is interest in continuing, clearly the use case effort hasn't really
> taken off so we'd like to understand if there is enough momentum on some
> other effort we'd like to undertake. Otherwise, Design Thinking approach
> would have us conclude that our "customers" (the community) don't find
> value in the group, and that in my mind, it's perfectly OK to admit that
> and try a new venture! :)
> Just following up on this.  How did the survey go?
> I am still interested in the intersection of the web and blockchains.
> Thanks,
> Colleen

Received on Thursday, 19 October 2017 23:06:30 UTC