Use Case file now on GitHub

Quick update from the Blockchain working group. We will continue to conduct meetings on a bi-weekly basis. Although we haven't had many callers join,  we will keep the bench warm in case people want to join every other Wednesday 8AM PST.
Thank you to many who are contributing offline. We added Benedikt Herudek's comments to the use case model this morning. Many thanks Benedikt!
The use case model is now posted on GitHub in the following location link below. It should be a public repository. I will do a write up in the next two weeks on how we keep the information intact. We decided to maintain the taxonomy in OPML which should be readable by any Mindmapping software. 
Mike Palage and I are dividing and conquering. He will continue to be a key networker, bringing together parties and connecting people to other people. Thank you Mike! I will be in the role of  primary editor of our OPML document so that we maintain a high degree of quality in the information we capture. Our mission is "to help companies and entities de-bunk myths about Blockchain"
If you are dying to contribute to the document before get to publishing the editing/contribution conventions, please contact me directly.
Thanks so much!!


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 blockchain_usecase - Contains Blockchain community use cases  |   |




Received on Wednesday, 26 July 2017 15:59:11 UTC