Research Position at the Open University in Blockchains and Education

The Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) is looking for two Research Assistants or Research Associates (depending on qualifications) interested in Blockchains and Technology-enhanced Learning to join us at the Open University.

Blockchain is most commonly known as the technology underpinning the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. In recent years, the open source code of the Bitcoin blockchain has been taken and extended by many groups to expands its capabilities beyond financial systems to serve as a distributed, verifiable ledger. Blockchain technology and smart contracts can be used in education in a variety of interesting and potentially revolutionary scenarios, such as enhancing standards for badging, certification and reputation in both formal and informal learning.

You will be joining an active research team at KMi working on technology-enhanced learning and the application of blockchains to education, with a particular focus on the intersection of formal and informal learning spaces. The aim is to build a dynamic hybrid learning environment where synchronous activities meet in both virtual and real dimensions in the context of the transition between secondary and higher education – to bridge the boundary between school and university.

You will also be involved in some work on the Next Generation Internet, to develop a platform for collaborative content, tools, and processes to improve exchange and promotion of know-how between NGI stakeholders.

You will be working as part of a team of dynamic researchers in the fields of knowledge technologies, Semantic Web and Web services within KMi, and the context of European project consortia, in the Up2U and HUB4FIRE projects. There will be the opportunity to develop your research profile, to travel, give demos and presentations, and to write academic papers.

Apply at:

Relevant sites:



Director, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University
Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
phone: 0044 1908 653800

web: <>

President, STI International
Amerlingstrasse 19/35, Austria - 1060 Vienna
phone: 0043 1 23 64 002 - 16
email:  web:

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Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2017 12:53:56 UTC