Re: Request to incubate Flex Ledger in Blockchain CG


personally I'm very welcome your proposal.
also I think CG member's will need to read your proposal well.

but basically I believe it got attention from CG members.


2016년 10월 15일 (토) 오전 6:16, Manu Sporny <>님이 작성:

> Hi all,
> A new version of the experimental Flex Ledger spec has been released here:
> This latest release is based on a Rebooting Web of Trust white paper
> where we are attempting to identify Blockchain primitives that could be
> standardized at W3C (or other standards setting organizations):
> There is a rough implementation and a demo of the spec that's up here:
> We've developed the spec to the point where we'd like to start
> incubating it in the Blockchain Community Group. What is the process for
> officially incubating work in this group? How do we hand it over to the
> CG and start working on it here?
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: Rebalancing How the Web is Built

Received on Monday, 17 October 2016 00:19:56 UTC