[minutes] Program Committee Telcon

                                - DRAFT -

             Blockchain Workshop Open Program Committee Call

29 Apr 2016

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2016/04/29-blockchain-irc


           Bailey, Reutzel, Joseph, Lubin

           Doug Schepers (shepazu)

           wseltzer, hhalpin


      * [3]Topics
          1. [4]Welcome
      * [5]Summary of Action Items
      * [6]Summary of Resolutions

    <shepazu> test

    <hhalpin> No more Zakim!

    <shepazu> hhalpin, how do we start the logger without Zakim

    <ChristopherA> I'm here.

    <vladzamfir> hi

    <shepazu> hi, vladzamfir

    <petertodd> hi

    <hhalpin> hey petertodd, are you in boston tomorrow?

    <hhalpin> If so, let's hang out

    <ebuchman> hi all!

    <petertodd> hhalpin: yes, but I get in late in the evening;
    there for all of sunday

    <ChristopherA> Christopher Allen - Blockstream (and
    #RebootingWebOfTrust and #ID2020Summit)

    <afdudley> hi.

    <afdudley> Rick Dudley, Eris Industries.

    <wseltzer> Wendy Seltzer, W3C

    <hhalpin> Harry Halpin, W3C

    <petertodd> peter todd, independent consultant and bitcoin core

    <ChristopherA> BTW, if you've not seen my long read blog post
    on Self-Sovereign Identity this week, it is at


    <CMickeyB> mic bowman... intel

    <ChristopherA> It seems to be well accepted by the Internet
    Identity Workshop community, and applies blockchain principles.

    <vladzamfir> have not, but i do have a lot of thoughts about
    the topic :P

    <Shinichiro> HI

    <Shinichiro> Web Client now works. I'm Shin'ichiro Matsuo,
    Research Scientist and co-founder of BSafe.network.

    <marta_> Marta Piekarska, Security Architect @ Blockstream

    <Erik> Erik Anderson, Bloomberg

    <vladzamfir> I'm vlad zamfir, researcher at ethereum

    <ChristopherA> Christopher Allen - Principal Architect,
    Blockstream (and #RebootingWebOfTrust and #ID2020Summit)

    <ChrisTse> I'm Chris Tse, CTO of Monegraph.

    <wseltzer> Dazza Greenwood, Media Lab, Civics.com

    <shepazu> Dazza Greenwood, Media Lab

    <marta_> (also Phd Researcher at Technical University of Berlin
    and #RebootingWebOfTrust)

    <wseltzer> Joe Lubin, co-founder Ethereum

    <shepazu> Joe Lubin, Ethereum, ConsenSys

    <muneeb> Muneeb here. Cofounder Blockstack labs. Some of you
    might know us as the folks who built the onename app

    <wseltzer> Daniel Buchner, Microsoft blockchain identity

    <ebuchman> im ethan buchman, cofounder/CTO at Tendermint

    <wseltzer> Christopher Allen, Blockstream

    <wseltzer> Mic Bowman, Intel distributed ledgers research group

    <wseltzer> @@: Ethereum space

    <wseltzer> Muneeb, Blockstack lab, onename

    <wseltzer> Ryan Shea, Blockstack

    <wseltzer> John Lubich, Consensys, energy markets

    <ChristopherA> United Nations Digital Idenity Smmit
    [8]http://id2020summit.org & [9]http://www.RebootingWebOfTrust
    design workshops.

       [8] http://id2020summit.org/
       [9] http://www.RebootingWebOfTrust/

    <wseltzer> Mark D'Agostino, @@

    <wseltzer> Shinichiro, @@

    <wseltzer> Carla Reyes, Attorney

    <muneeb> That's Ryan Shea for Blockstack labs

    <wseltzer> Erik Anderson, Bloomberg, W3C Web Payments IG

    <wseltzer> ChrisTse, Monegraph; co-chair Permission and
    Exprexsions WG at W3C

    <wseltzer> Rick Dudley, Eris Industries

    <wseltzer> @@, Consensys

    <wseltzer> Harry Halpin, W3C, WebCrypto and WebAuthentication

    <inserted> scribenick: wseltzer

    Wendy Seltzer, W3C Technology & Society Domain

    Bailey Reitzel, independent journalist covering digital

    <Erik> ChrisTse, Content Licensing is a perfect use case for
    Blockchain. I discussed this at the last W3C Web Payments Face
    to Face.

    Marta Piekarska, Blockstream, researcher, Rebooting Web of

    Ethan Buchman, co-founder Tendermint

    Vlad, Consensys


    shepazu: Welcome, thanks for joining
    ... workshop page is a starting point; looking to PC to help
    ... W3C workshop, when we see an area that might benefit from
    ... we want to hold a productive discussion to see if there's
    something we could help
    ... Goals, broadly, to look for standardization opportunitites
    re: blockchain and the Web
    ... *and the web* being the key
    ... what needs to be added to the Web, or added to the
    blockchain platform
    ... Invited you here to help shape the workshop
    ... hoping you'll join the PC
    ... PC helps design the agenda

    <Erik> Ya! :)

    shepazu: Thanks Bloomberg for sponsorship!
    ... Next Wednesday, we plan to announce publicly with call for
    ... call for statements of interest
    ... We have 60 seats, so we want to get the right participants
    into the room

    <ChristopherA> +q

    shepazu: before the workshop, we'll review submissions for
    relevance, interest
    ... During the workshop, we'll ask for chairs for session
    ... and after the workshop, help drafting report

    [note, the birds have been muted]

    <shepazu> [10]https://www.w3.org/2016/04/blockchain-workshop/

      [10] https://www.w3.org/2016/04/blockchain-workshop/

    shepazu: please review the workshop page, make sure it reflects
    what we want to see

    <muneeb> The birds was from my end. Apologies for that. I've
    muted myself please unmute at the other end :-)

    ChristopherA: I host design workshops, at rebooting web of
    trust, we suggest call for topics rather than call for papers
    ... that's a way to get the signal-to-noise management
    ... ask that they specify a use case, problem
    ... then the workshop uses unconference

    <ChristopherA> Key thing with topic subs vs paper subs is
    slightly lower bar

    <muneeb> Can you comment a bit more on why it might be too
    early for w3c

    W3C often uses "expression of interest" as that lower bar,
    similar to topics

    <ChristopherA> I think there are some select things that would
    be very useful.

    shepazu: input on goals?

    DanielB: identity offers the widest benefit I've seen in my
    ... something we'll be given away
    ... also speaking with Scott Jensen, Google's Physical Web
    ... identification issues of beacons

    <ChristopherA> #RebootingWebOfTrust community is also working
    on blockchain identity issues, both reservations against some
    approaches, and suggestions for others.

    DanielB: push notifications

    <ChristopherA> Also very interested in proof-of-publication and
    proof-of-existance is useful for web

    shepazu: thanks. Can you share a writeup that we might add to
    the web intro?

    Ryan_Shea: identity is a great place for W3C to get involved
    ... working with MS, Consensys around describing identity,
    building off schema.org, json-ld, jwt

    <dazzag> hi

    ChristopherA: identity, rebooting web of trust working with
    XDI, verified claims
    ... another issue, proof of publication, proof of existence
    approaches standardized

    <dazzag> Dazza raises hand for speaker queue

    ChristopherA: a logical addition to a signature

    <CMickeyB> gotta drop for a conflicting meeting... will catch
    up later

    ChristopherA: selective disclosure, for confidentiality and

    <vladzamfir> the opportunity and risk of the WC3 getting
    involved in standards for identity, credentialing and access
    control systems is that they have strong network effects - the
    W3C could influence what protocols get adopted, which could
    potentially help things not go badly, but can also go badly

    shepazu: by queueing, you're committing to sending me email
    ... with explanation of your suggestion
    ... W3C has some activities that are browser focused; others
    that are more vocab, schema focused

    <ChristopherA> Another topic is wallets — they are not just for

    shepazu: please help identify where you think your idea fits

    <John> just a quick point wrt to identity and the question of
    agency within the context of the physical infrastructure of the
    grid decentralizing

    <hhalpin> scribenick: hhalpin

    <wseltzer> Erik: identity, data security are critical

    Erik: When I say identity, I'm warning that this is a big
    ... what does that mean?
    ... does it mean hardware secure servce

    <Erik> [11]https://www.w3.org/community/hb-secure-services/

      [11] https://www.w3.org/community/hb-secure-services/

    Erik: W3C is in process of a few things

    <Erik> [12]https://w3c.github.io/websec/hasec-charter

      [12] https://w3c.github.io/websec/hasec-charter

    Erik: offer API-level access to hardware
    ... a surrogate for identity
    ... adding web of trust

    <vladzamfir> doing I/O with the blockchain requires that
    clients have information about the consensus protocol and trust
    model - we don't understand consensus protocols and their trust
    models well enough to standardize this interface, and it's not
    yet clear that we ever will

    <ChristopherA> Erik -> (and other people) I encourage identity
    folks to check out #RebootingWebOfTrust
    [13]http://www.WebOfTrust.info on May 21st & 22nd after the UN
    summit on Digital Identity.

      [13] http://www.WebOfTrust.info/

    <ChristopherA> Another topic is architectures for layer between
    consensus and business logic

    <ebuchman> two standards im looking for in the industry:
    generic authenticateddatastructures (ideally including
    consensus, but as vlad alludes that may not be possible in
    general, maybe we have a few key types), and the interface
    between applications and consensus, as chris just said, and for
    which Tendermint has proposed TMSP

    <vladzamfir> anything that sits on a consensus protocol needs
    to understand what it would take to undermine the guarantees
    they rely on

    <Erik> Yes Christopher. I know John Edge, founder of ID2020

    <Erik> Please look at this for use cases on the Web


    <ChristopherA> On the topic of what shouldn't be on the
    blockchain, there was an Internet Identity Workshop conference
    topic on this exact that there are some notes from.

    <shepazu> marta: also make sure that we avoid the "put a
    blockchain on it", and set guidelines on what should be applied
    to blockchain (on the Web)

    <Erik> <---- Bloomberg is a significannt to the Chromium
    Webkit. Please dont assume its all Browser vendor centric

    <dazzag> Dazza commented 1. would be helpful to have simple
    materials available for attendees to understand/stay focused on
    what sorts of things that are good candidates for
    standardization, when in the lifecycle is best/worst for

    Marta: What are the use-cases
    ... is it just 'put a blockchain' on it?

    hhalpin: We need to add WebCrypto extensions and Web Payments
    connection to Bitcoin
    ... on the agenda as well, maybe do another day for more fuzzy
    broadly scoped blockchain (i.e. Merkle tree) work?

    <dazzag> Dazza commented 2: We should make it easy to elicit
    input from a wide range of people and orgs and perspectives
    beyond those who will join us in person. Online, for example,
    using one or more methods one or more people on the program cmt
    could provide.

    hhalpin: note that lots of work like hardware backed security
    needs more browser support
    ... can we get Google and Mozilla on board?

    <Erik> I formerly disagree to the WebCrypto API as identity.
    Software based PKI identity is stolen everyday. those keys are
    stolen everyday

    dbuchner: I've been discussing this with Mozilla and Google,
    happy to help

    Erik, please point to attacks on WebCrypto keys. There are no
    known ones. I'm sure they exist, but its not exactly known. I
    do agree with hardware keys, and the FIDO/WebAuth appraoch
    seems solid to me.

    @@: There's lots of standards but mostly from venture-backed
    company, everyone has their own

    scribe: therefore, maybe W3C can be a good neutral party

    @@1: The topic of identity is crucial to decentralizing the
    grid, reconcile hardware owners and operators

    shepazu: Is there a Web aspect?

    <Erik> hhalpin: Use Case. Man in the browser that steals your
    software based PKI key. I can give you news articles EVERYDAY
    where PKI are stolen by ransomware.

    Erik: WebCrypto doesn't interface with traditional PKI on
    ... furthermore, the browser vendors have made it clear that
    they have no interest currently this.
    ... I agree hardware tokens help, but they need to be scoped to
    the Web, i.e. same origin policy, which is precisely what
    WebAuth does
    ... last, you still haven't pointed me to an attack on actual
    WebCrypto keys. I think it's FUD that WebCrypto is less secure
    than any other software-based keys

    <ChristopherA> +1 on identifying risk surfaces

    vlad: We have to be careful re standards that have network
    effects we aren't aware of

    <Erik> Blockchain, as it applies to the web & data structure.
    1) Identity. 2) Data Security/Privacy 3) Standard API to
    interface with Blockchain. 4) Data Structures and exchange

    shinichiro: How do we produce scientific engineering aspects
    ... key management is weak on bitcoin
    ... XAdes can contribute
    ... another body of ISO wants a new TC

    <afdudley> how do I get on the queue?

    <vladzamfir> hhalpin - issue is that we don't understand
    identity/credentialing/access policies that well, not that we
    don't understand network effects ;)

    <ChristopherA> We also should be talking some about how to move

    <Shinichiro> XAdeS

    <ChristopherA> Early standards need be incremental if they set
    baseline, late standards can take longer

    <Shinichiro> Australian NB have proposed to initiate new TC in

    Note that we'd like to note that W3C provides royalty-fee
    recommendations, which is quite stronger than 'it's a standad
    cause we put it on the web-page'

    <ChristopherA> I do believe that the workshop itself should
    emerge these.

    shepazu: Please communicate with me ASAP before Wednesday,
    workshop is announced on Wednesday

    <Erik> Blockchain, as it applies to the web: 1) Identity 2)
    Data Security/Privacy & Crypto Key management 4) Standard API
    to interface with Blockchain 5) Data Structures and exchange

    <ChristopherA> (I'm challenged next week because of Consensus &
    Hyperledger F2F)

    <afdudley> What is interledger?

    shepazu: If you have anyone outside this group who should be

    <Erik> Interledger =

      [15] https://www.w3.org/community/interledger/

    <afdudley> Yeah, so I think we need something like that for
    identity and objects.

    <vladzamfir> 4) is not close to possible at the moment

    So clearly missing on the call is the DCI initiative

    who are co-hosting or possibly co-chairing

    <shepazu> hhalpin, yes, Neha couldn't join today

    Second, in terms of banking RC3, and DCI and the other Bitcoin
    coredevs they host (why not have everyone in same room?)

    dazzag: We have DCI in the same lab as myself
    ... so we should be able to connect

    <dazzag> would be happy to help on the program cmt and moreover
    to help out

    <dazzag> harry - who is on from DCI?

    shepazu: We haven't decided on co-chairs
    ... please email me re Program Committee ASAP
    ... Workshop format

    <ChristopherA> For an example of a Design Workshop format, this
    is last november' #RebootingWebOfTrust


    shepazu: iighting talks
    ... one or two different birds of a feather topic tables
    ... 'unconference style'
    ... to then give reports
    ... and then break up again

    <ChristopherA> I also helped design lightning talk format for
    Blockstack's last summit.

    shepazu: consequent to intial topic
    ... demos and panel sessions
    ... summarize and synthesize

    <ChristopherA> Design workshops come close to unconference/open
    space but some more facilitation.

    I would recommend doing short-term topics first in break-outs,
    then longer-term

    ChristopherA: In terms of the format I used, it was good to
    have people meet
    ... within 3 hours
    ... the things most worthwhile had came to top
    ... traditional uncofnrence tends to meander

    +1 ChristopherA

    scribe: for things that are only of interest
    ... for a few people

    Erik: I was looking at Christopher's document
    ... we dont' want just talks about startups that approach
    problem in same ways
    ... but going into use-cae
    ... should help narrow the topics

    shepazu: AOB?
    ... if not, I appreciate everyone's time
    ... and I hope most of you will be on program committee

    <ChristopherA> thank you everyone!

    shepazu: I hope talking to all of you more

    +1 thanks!

    Meeting Adjourned

    <wseltzer> Attendees: listed in intros

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Monday, 2 May 2016 19:44:55 UTC