Save the date: SWAT4HCLS tutorial on RO-Crate, Signposting and Bioschemas

The conference Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Health Care and Life Sciences<> (SWAT4HCLS), will be hybrid online and in Leiden, The Netherlands on 2024-02-26/-29.

I'm pleased to announce that we'll be hosting a tutorial as part of SWAT4HCLS:
Improving FAIRability of your research outcomes with RO-Crate, Signposting and Bioschemas

While registration for SWAT4HCLS is not yet opened, please save the date! Follow for updates.

Facilitators: Stian Soiland-Reyes, Claus Weiland, Herbert Van de Sompel and Leyla Jael Castro

We will assume a basic knowledge of semantic controlled vocabularies (e.g., taxonomies, thesauri, ontologies). Some knowledge of would be advantageous but not required. You can use RO-Crate, Signposting and Bioschemas on your own website, if you do not have a website at hand, GitHub pages can be used instead. In that case some knowledge on how to use GitHub pages is desirable.


RO-Crate<> is a lightweight method to package research outputs along with their metadata. Bioschemas<> provides metadata schemas to add structured metadata to webpages on Life Science. Signposting<> provides a lightweight yet powerful approach to increase the FAIRness of scholarly objects.

The combination of RO-Crates, Bioschemas and Signposting make resources easy to navigate by machines, provide an unambiguous way for machines to access FAIR metadata and content in a single request, and reduce content-negotiation hassle that can give unpredictable results.

This tripartite combination is of benefit for researchers and data providers whenever they want to improve FAIRability of their resources as they can non-disruptively add FAIR Signposting headers for machine navigation, support RO-Crate imports and align with Bioschemas specifications, making FAIR-compliant digital objects achievable with existing technologies such as Web Linking over HTTP.

FAIR tooling implementers can also benefit as they could create, improve or integrate Signposting clients combined with RO-Crate libraries implementing Bioschemas specifications. On its side, FAIR data implementers could support consumption of FAIR Signposting and create Knowledge Graphs from RO-Crates. Finally, FAIR outreach practitioners showcase uses of FAIR Signposting to navigate and consume RO-Crates making FAIR closer to the community.

Following a Bring Your Own Resource hands-on style, in this tutorial we will showcase how to use RO-Crates, Signposting and Bioschemas to improve FAIRability and will accompany attendees to apply the technologies to their own resources.

PS: FAIR Digital Objects summit, 2024-03-19/--21, hybrid online and Berlin, Germany
Submissions for FDO2024 are still welcome, deadline for abstract is 15 December 2023. If you've got recent work on RO-Crate or Signposting, feel free to post! There will be a prize for best lightning talk.

Stian Soiland-Reyes, The University of Manchester
Please note that I may work flexibly - whilst it suits me to email now, I do not expect a response or action outside of your own working hours.

Received on Wednesday, 6 December 2023 18:15:34 UTC