Re: Revising the Bioschemas Profile Development Process

Hi Alasdair,

I haven't clear if it will also be possible to propose new profiles or 
changes to existing profiles by sending in source code, in formats like 
JSON-Schema or SHACL, using tools like github pull requests. I think the 
same approach would also be important to work on new types or changes to 

While I understand that certain users prefer graphical UIs, there are 
other kind of users (ie, geeks), who are more comfortable with code and 
plain text files. Moreover, such machine-readable specifications are 
useful for a number of other applications (eg, validating local 
datasets, building local UIs, developing new profiles/types while 
modelling new data sets).

Of course, I'm not thinking of this as an alternative to tools like the 
DDE (I might end up using that too), but of having both options, with 
the ability to export JSON-Schema or alike from a tool like the DDE.


On 23/11/2021 13:40, Gray, Alasdair wrote:
> We believe that the Data Discovery Engine 
> <> (DDE) supports most 
> of what we want to achieve (the whole process is outlined at the end 
> of this email). During the recent BioHackathon we have been exploring 
> and testing the functionality offered by DDE, and identifying what 
> processes would be needed to convert the DDE representation to the 
> website, which we believe can be automated with GitHub actions. This 
> slide shows some screenshots of where we have got to.

Marco Brandizi <>

Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2021 23:06:31 UTC