Re: {Disarmed} updates - Course, CourseInstance and TrainingMaterial profiles

Dear Patricia

Thanks for bringing up these issues and for creating the corresponding issue in GitHub. I have just responded to some of the points that you raised in the GitHub issue. Hopefully others who are more involved with the Training working group can respond on the other points.

Best regards


Alasdair J G Gray
Associate Professor in Computer Science,
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK.



Office: Earl Mountbatten Building 1.39
Twitter: @gray_alasdair

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From: "" <>
Date: Friday, 24 July 2020 at 18:52
To: "" <>
Cc: Alasdair Gray <>
Subject: {Disarmed} updates - Course, CourseInstance and TrainingMaterial profiles

Dear all,

I’m about to update the properties of the Bioschema profiles that are used in the SIB course descriptions to comply with the latest versions of Course and CourseInstance. The last time we have done this was in 2016, quite a lot has changed since then.

Before updating anything, and as suggested by Leyla, I have checked all the properties of the Course, CourseInstance and TrainingMaterial profiles. For these 3 profiles, some of the properties don’t exist in and some are still pending. You will find attached here, 3 Excel files with my comments showing which are missing or pending (in the tabs with my name).

Besides, I’m bugged with the description, abstract, about and keywords properties in those three profiles. I have tried to show where I’m bugged below - in italic the definitions in Bioschemas (the misspellings are not mine :).

Sorry for the long message. And if this message should be sent to another list, please let me know.

I would be happy to discuss with anyone about this or help push things forward whenever needed.

Thanks and all the best,


Patricia Palagi, PhD
SIB Training
SIB | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Quartier Sorge, Bâtiment Amphipôle - 1015 Lausanne - Switzerland<> -<>

Description: A description of the item.

·         in Course = Minimum, Example: This is a course ran at an institution. It's ran periodically - specific courses can be found through  CourseInstance

·         in CourseInstance = Optional - (CourseInstance) description can be used to override (Course) description for varations in specific Course Instances.

·         in TrainingMaterial = Recommended, Example: This tutorial will take you through the basic usage of the command line shell. In it, you will discover what a shell is, skills for directory navigation, file manipulation, and how to run tools. To complete this training material you will need to have a shell (linux), powershell (windows), or terminal (mac) ready. You do not need any previous experience to complete the tasks

Abstract: A short, succinct description of the resource.

·         in Course = Optional, Example: This tutorial will take you through the basic usage of the command line shell. In it, you will discover what a shell is, skills for directory navigation, file manipulation, and how to run tools

·         in CourseInstance = absent, if in Cours, the

·         in TrainingMaterial = Recommended, Example: This tutorial will take you through the basic usage of the command line shell. In it, you will discover what a shell is, skills for directory navigation, file manipulation, and how to run tools

Why I’m bugged: Description and abstract seem redundant. Both give a summary description of the object, but the examples show different things. For a course, if only the Description is given, the information in that field will not be enough to grasp the topic/content of the object which is in fact in the abstract that is optional or in the about (see below, which is also only Recommended). Besides, there is a new term (teaches, pending also) that could be also seen as the abstract and description (see this blog here<>).

About: The subject matter of the content.

Use the DefinedTerm type to add a controlled vocabulary term to categorise the course (such as using the [EDAM Topic ontology]

Example:  ""@type"": ""DefinedTerm"",

  ""@id"": "MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be ""<>",

  ""inDefinedTermSet"": "MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "" claiming to be ""<>",

  ""termCode"": ""topic_3316"",

  ""name"": ""Computer Science"",

·         in Course = Recommended. Inverse property: subjectOf.

·         in CourseInstance = absent,

·         in TrainingMaterial = Recommended. (and not described as Inverse property: subjectOf)

Keywords: Keywords or tags used to describe this content. Multiple entries in a keywords list are typically delimited by commas. "RNA-Seq, Workshop",

·         in Course = Minimum

·         in CourseInstance = absent,

·         in TrainingMaterial = Minimum

Why I’m bugged: about and keywords seem redundant in my view, and both should be using EDAM as much as possible.


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