Re: Taxon type published by NMNH Paris

Terrific stuff Franck!


Sent from my iPhone by
Professor Carole Goble
The University of Manchester

On 25 Oct 2019, at 21:33, Franck Michel <> wrote:

 Dear community,

Good news: the National Museum of Natural History of Paris has annotated 180.000+ species webpages with the Taxon 0.3-RC<> type that we are pushing for publication in You may check an example here: (look for the string: "@type": "Taxon").

The annotations follow the Taxon profile 0.4-DRAFT<> that should eventually become the current profile as this is THE one that is in line with Taxon type 0.3-RC (the current profile 0.3 is NOT in line with the type 0.3-RC. Yes.... kind of confusing). @Alasdair: any news on changing the version of the current profile?

Note that this is only a first step. In a second round, we wish to push for a TaxonName<> type that will allow for more flexible annotation while making it possible for name-centric portals to annotate their pages without mixing taxa and names.



        Franck MICHEL - CNRS research engineer
Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Inria
I3S laboratory (UMR 7271)<> - +33 (0)4 8915 4277

Received on Sunday, 27 October 2019 04:22:20 UTC