Re: How to relate an entity to a dataset?

Hi Franck,
On 2/14/19 9:53 PM, Franck Michel wrote:
> Dear all,
> In the biodiversity group we have defined a Taxon type. Taxa are usually 
> part of taxonomic registries. So I'm wondering how to mark up a web page 
> describing or referring to a given taxon while denoting that this taxon 
> is part of a taxonomic registry.
> Looking further in Bioschemas types, I see several ways of doing this, 
> and I guess this question applies equally to other types.
If you think of a Taxon as a subclass of schema:CreativeWork
then you can use schema:hasPart/schema:partof.
Or preferably a richer subpropertyof, which means making a 
TaxonomicRegistry type in practice.

> We can think of a taxonomic registry as a In this 
> context, each taxon would be a DataRecord, but how do we relate a 
> DataRecord to its Dataset?
> We can also think of a taxonomic registry as a DataCatalog wherein taxa 
> would be Datasets (property includedInDataCatalog).
> Could the datasets group on shed light on this? Also what about how the 
> other groups have coped with this?
I would not try too fit it into the Dataset/Catalog box as they aren't
the way that the search engines expect them to be.

> Thx,
>     Franck.
> -- 
> signature
>  Franck MICHEL - CNRS research engineer
> Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Inria
> I3S laboratory (UMR 7271)
> <> - +33 (0)4 8915 4277  

Received on Monday, 18 February 2019 11:01:40 UTC