Re: Poster at Biodiversity Information Standards Conference 2018?

Dear all,

Thx for the comments and discussions.

A last important detail, I'm not sure what was agreed about the authors 
list. Shoud it be:
Full list ? Presenter (me) + "The Bioschemas Community" ? Presenter + 
others + ... + "The Bioschemas Community" ?


Le 23/03/2018 à 17:59, ljgarcia a écrit :
> Hi Frank,
> It looks nice! I just made some minor comments. I like the examples 
> related to biodiversity you have at the end of the document, good!
> In case you want to manage citations directly on the google doc, you 
> can take a look to paperpile.
> Regards,
> On 2018-03-23 15:44, Franck Michel wrote:
>> Dear Leyla, Pete and all,
>> Here is a proposition for a poster submission at TDWG:
>> I have compiled the abstracts of SWAT4HCLS and ESWC18, and added a
>> conclusion suggesting what the biodiversity community could do with
>> that.
>> Please let me know what you think. You can edit the document, please
>> use the suggestion mode.
>> Deadline : Monday 17h GMT.
>> Thx,
>>     Franck.
>> Le 21/03/2018 à 16:53, Peter McQuilton a écrit :
>>> Hi Franck,
>>> I second Leyla that this is a good idea. I'm happy to help with the
>>> abstract if you would like help.
>>> Best,
>>> Pete
>>> On 21/03/2018 15:48, ljgarcia wrote:
>>> Hi Franck,
>>> +1. I would say this is a nice opportunity to show Bioschemas.
>>> You can take a look to the poster submitted last year to SWAT4HCLS,
>>> that one is probably the one more up-to-date regarding the
>>> specification, proceedings available at
>>> The actual poster is available at
>>> Regards,
>>> On 2018-03-21 15:16, Franck Michel wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I may be attending the Biodiversity Information Standards conference
>>> (TDWG 2018 [1]) in late August. This may be the occasion to present
>>> to the biodiversity community. Do you feel like this
>>> is
>>> interesting?
>>> If the answer is yes, and unless some of you intends to go, I could
>>> do
>>> my best to present a poster, although I've not been so much involved
>>> so far.
>>> Posters submission deadline is next Monday 5pm GMT (sorry... short
>>> notice). The submission is an abstract of max 600 words. I guess
>>> previous posters submissions may be reused for that matter. I could
>>> try to do something if you like.
>>> Regards,
>>> Franck.
>>> -- 
>>> signature
>>> Franck MICHEL
>>> CNRS research engineer +33 (0)492 96 5004
>>> Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS - I3S - UMR 7271
>>> 930 route des Colles - Bât. Les Templiers
>>> BP 145 - 06903 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX - France
>>> Tel. +33 (0)4 9294 2680, Fax : +33 (0)4 9294 2898
>>> Links:
>>> ------
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>> -- 
>> Peter McQuilton, PhD
>> Project Coordinator
>> [1]
>> Oxford e-Research Centre
>> University of Oxford
>> OX1 3QG, UK
>> International Society of Biocuration [2]
>> Skype: petemcquilton
>> Twitter: @drosophilic
>> ORCID: 0000-0003-2687-1982
>> Links:
>> ------
>> [1]
>> [2]

Received on Monday, 26 March 2018 09:23:25 UTC