Re: New property added to BioChemEntity


There was a discussion last week about this new property, not many 
replies, no one objecting so I added it (and by doing that was hopping 
to get some more attention and more feedback). I guess at some point the 
reviewing committee will accept or reject, maybe based on what the 
community has said, still not sure about the process.

Why on top of AdditionalType? There are multiple ontologies describing 
what a protein/chemical/gene/etc. is. Usually groups will prefer to 
point to their own ontology.  Yes, we could have a list of all ontology 
terms allowed for, let's say, protein. That list will have to grow 
whenever a new ontology term gets in use. The one using it will have to 
inform some how, the profile responsible will have to double check and 
then add it, the validators and tools will need to know that that 
additionalType also refers to proteins. So having a simple label seems 
easier, I do not expect that many new profiles as ontology terms 
describing the same thing in slightly different ways. In a way, that 
label is the name of the profile if it were a proper type.

Mandatory or not, one or many, it all belongs to Bioschemas, so I would 
say that any BioChemEntity that does not have a profile, still should 
follow the minimums defined by Bioschemas. In that sense, if no specific 
profile available, "BioChemEntity" would be the profile to follow.

Any thoughts?


On 25/10/2017 11:58, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> Hello Leyla,
> What about BioChemEntitys that do not yet have or may never have 
> profiles? This is the generic case.
> Why is this required on top of AdditionalType?
> Regards,
> Justin
> On 25 Oct 2017 11:12, "Leyla Garcia" < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Dear all,
>     A new property has been added to BioChemEntity. This property MUST
>     contain the name of the profile so it will be easier for
>     validators and tools to distinguished one profile from another.
>     property: preferredLabel
>     expectedType: Text
>     Description: Indicates the preferred label to refer to a specific
>     (sub)type of BioChemEntity Bioschemas description: Profile name
>     Marginality: MinimumCardinality: ONEBioschemas description:
>     Bioschemas profiles Regards,

Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2017 13:33:12 UTC