Re: Vote on usage of terms

Alasdair, all,

The ask was for a vote or counter proposal/amendment; I provided the 

You mention that the Protein working group has agreed that they require 
addition of an additional property. I don't think it is fair to ask all 
working groups to agree on a solution without giving them a chance to 
raise alternatives. If this vote is *only* for the Protein working group 
property then this group only should vote; but I thought we were here 
making a critical design decision for all of Bioschemas.

You have previously stated that you believed we should fix terms to a 
particular ontology URI, I am here stating that I am not fundamentally 
disagreeing but that I would like this to be limited to profile types. 
Specifically in this case my vote would be no about fixing the property 
which connects to the gene (and others have raised issues with this 

I therefore propose that either this vote is amended to make it clear 
that we are voting on *only* the connection to gene for the Protein 
working profile or an additional option be added to the vote in which we 
consider the option of fixing the URIs but *only* for the profile types. 
I would also add that choosing the latter allows us to move forward as a 
group right now, and doesn't precludes us from revisiting this issue 
once we have started deploying markups and have more practical 
experience with what works well and what doesn't. It may very well be 
that we then realize we should constrain further, but IMO this decision 
would be premature at this stage.


On 17/11/2017 11:43, Gray, Alasdair J G wrote:
> Hi
>> On 17 Nov 2017, at 11:00, Melanie Courtot < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> I would like to offer an alternative, as stated by Andra: "Wouldn't 
>> the best option simply be to be strict on the type Protein, but for 
>> the remaining properties use the complete ontological space out 
>> there, without any limitations.", where the type Protein would be 
>> replaced by others as appropriate.
> I don’t see that this helps us with the search use case that has been 
> identified by the Protein working group which has agreed that having 
> the connection with gene is a minimal property. As such, in the 
> bioschemas approach a property needs to be used for the connection to 
> gene.
> The purpose of this vote is then to see whether we use profiles to fix 
> that term to a particular ontology URI, as there is not a suitable 
> term in <>.
> By leaving things totally unconstrained, data providers must select a 
> term to use and then hope that the clients can interpret the selected 
> term.
> The Bioschemas approach is about specifying the terms to use. Thus I 
> believe that we should state the ontology term to use. This makes both 
> adoption of markup easier (no choices to be made) and the use of the 
> markup (the tool knows what to expect and how to interpret the terms).
> Alasdair
> Alasdair J G Gray
> Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
> Assistant Professor in Computer Science,
> School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
> (Athena SWAN Bronze Award)
> Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh UK.
> Email: <>
> Web: <>
> Office: Earl Mountbatten Building 1.39
> Twitter: @gray_alasdair
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