- From: Tope Omitola <tope.omitola@googlemail.com>
- Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 12:11:55 +0000
- To: public-bigdata@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAOOePPS97Nmf5rtL+AJeccCVS+LNALE48d+L0-TzZap6nfbvJA@mail.gmail.com>
CALL FOR PAPERS: The Semantic Smart City Workshop (SemCity-13), June 13, 2013 co-located with WIMS 2013 http://aida.ii.uam.es/wims13/semcity.php IMPORTANT DATES ==================================== - Full papers, Research papers, Position papers, Demo Submission Deadline: February 22nd, 2013 - Notification of acceptance: March 10th, 2013 - Camera ready: March 30th, 2013 - Workshop day: June 13, 2013 OVERVIEW ======== The world’s population is rapidly urbanizing. By 2005, the world’s population had increased to 6.5 billion, with about 50% living in cities. By 2025, UN projections show that the world population is expected to exceed 9 billion with roughly 75% expected to live in cities. This rapid urbanization is continuing to put tremendous pressure on traditional urban infrastructures, such as roads, water, and energy, and on societal institutions. Similarly, we are seeing the rapid rise in the connection and usage of billions of low-end and affordable smart devices to the Internet, along with the availability of increasing volumes of data from a wide range of sensors. These trends make possible a new generation of Semantic Smart City apps and services which increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of urban resources in many domains such as transport, healthcare and energy. The focus of this Workshop is to discuss, demonstrate, and share ideas, tools, technologies, and systems of how the Web, in particular the Web of Data, can help to solve or alleviate the pressures of city urbanization. TOPICS OF INTEREST ================== Today’s urbanization challenges require seeking for new approaches that transform modern cities to comfortable, economically successful, and environmentally responsible habitats. We also witness the confluence of many Internet- and Web-related factors: - The rise in the connection and usage of billions of low-end and affordable smart devices to the Internet, i.e. the “Internet of Things” - A growing momentum behind open government data (OGD), where governments and cities make non-personal public data freely available - The rise in penetration of the Web in more areas of our personal lives; and - The enormous amount of data being generated by the three aforementioned factors. The aim of this workshop is to explore the interfaces between the Web, the Web of Data, and the City. The workshop will explore how the Web, and the intelligences built on top of, and around the Web, can make the notion of the Smart Connected City possible and realizable. In the context of the outline workshop theme, SemCity invites papers on, but not strictly limited to, the following topics: - Semantic Web - Linked Data - Web of Data - Internet of Things - Interaction Paradigms in the Smart City - Smart City operating systems - Semantic Complex Event Reasoning - City services discovery - Service Ranking, and Provenance - Semantic Web Discovery - Semantic Web Ranking SUBMISSION TYPES AND PUBLICATION ================================= For providing a forum for sharing novel ideas, SemCity welcomes a broad spectrum of contributions, including for example: - Full research papers - Position papers - Case Studies - Descriptions of Experiments - Evaluations PAPER SUBMISSION ================ We welcome the following types of contributions. - Short (up to 6 pages) and full (up to 12 pages) research papers - Position papers (up to 4 pages) - Case Studies (up to 12 pages) - Demo papers (up to 4 pages), Descriptions of Experiments (up to 6 pages) * Paper submission URI: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=semcity13 Submissions will be evaluated by the members of the international program committee. Accepted papers will be published as a proceedings volume at CEUR-WS.org. WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS =================== Tope Omitola (t.omitola@ecs.soton.ac.uk), University of Southampton John Breslin (john.breslin@nuigalway.ie), National University of Ireland, Galway Biplav Srivastava (sbiplav@in.ibm.com), IBM Research John Davies (john.nj.davies@bt.com), British Telecommunications PROGRAM COMMITTEE ================= - Alistair Duke, BT - Bob Schloss, IBM - Carolina Fortuna, Josef Stefan Institute - Elizabeth Daly, IBM - Francois Scharffe, INRIA - Freddy Lecue, IBM - Frederik Weissenborn, University College London - Grigoris Antoniou, University of Crete - Monika Solanki, Birmingham City University - Rosario Usceda-Sosa, IBM - Taha Osman, Nottingham Trent University - Valentin Zacharias, FZI - Sebastian Rios, University of Chile - Les Carr, University of Southampton - Sören Auer, University of Leipzig - Rashid Mehmood, University of Huddersfield - Jun Zhao, Oxford University
Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 12:12:22 UTC