Re: Planning to close Community Group due to inactivity unless we hear from you

 Hi Ian,

Thanks - comments inline.


On 23 Oct 2023 at 16:56:59, Ian Jacobs <> wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> We won’t close down the group at this time.

Thank you!

> May I add this GitHub link to the CG’s home page?

Yes you can.

> Also, on that page please change “Working Group” to “Community Group” in
> the README.

Change made.

> Are there any other venues where it is possible to learn more about the
> activity? Thanks!

There is the site Hosted there is a live
example of the Bibframe2Schema process in  at the Comparison Viewer

> Ian
> On Oct 23, 2023, at 9:21 AM, Richard Wallis <
>> wrote:
> Hi CG/BG
> Thanks for the heads up.
> The is some activity concerned with the topic of interest of the group.
> Currently, that activity is low profile and where visible is gthub and
> mailing list focused.
> The first implementation of the OS software shared by the group has only
> recently been publicly referenced.  Hopefully this will stimulate other
> uses, interest, and discussion around further evolution of the reference
> Bibframe2Schema mapping.
> Please don’t close us down.
> Regards,
>    Richard Wallis
>    Chair
> On 20 Oct 2023 at 21:01:18, Team Community Process <
>> wrote:
> > Dear participants in the
> >
> > Community Group
> >
> >
> > In March 2023 we contacted you because your Community Group appeared to
> have become inactive (per [1]). Based on feedback in response to our
> message, we did not close the group, with the expectation that the group
> would soon become more active. Six months later, your group appears to
> still be inactive, and we are more inclined to close it unless we hear
> compelling reasons not to.
> >
> > If your group is in fact active, we recommend the following:
> >
> >  * Let us know where the activity is going on so that we can update our
> data and improve our tools.
> >
> >  * Update your group home page with news of your activities. Chairs can
> use the group Wordpress instance of the group to post news; let us know if
> you have any questions.
> >
> > If you have good reason to believe the group will soon become active,
> please let us know.
> >
> > If you are merely hopeful it will, or if you would like us to close the
> group, or if we do not hear from you in the next 30 days, we will plan to
> close the group.
> >
> > Thank you,
> >
> > CG/BG System
> >
> > [1]
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Ian Jacobs <>
> Tel: +1 917 450 8783

Richard Wallis
Founder, Data Liberate
Twitter: @dataliberate @rjw

Received on Wednesday, 25 October 2023 15:49:04 UTC