
Hi all,

Hopefully this update email finds you safe and well in these unusual and
concerning times.

To give you something else to think about, I am pleased to tell you that we
have a new website for

More importantly the site hosts a Comparison Viewer
<> which enables you to view BIBFRAME
data, alongside it a version enriched with terms, and
data alone.

*Site Purpose*
This new site is not a replacement for the Bibframe2Schema W3C Community
Group site <>, mailing list,
and wiki, where discussions should continue around the evolution towards a
reference mapping between BIBFRAME and  It is intended as a
gateway and link to that community, and to host tools such as the
Comparison Viewer.

*Comparison Viewer*
The Comparison Viewer <> is a developer
tool enabling the viewing of BIBFRAME source, alongside the same
enriched with, and then only.

Select 'Sample Source' as a *Source Type *and click *Search* to quickly
view the capabilities.

Behind the scenes the example SPARQL script from the master branch of
Github repository <> is
used to create the results. This community project is a work in progress,
so the script and the results it produces will evolve over time.

In addition to a *Sample Source*, you can derive BIBFRAME data from a URL
that delivers BIBFRAME RDF data in RDF/XML, JSON-LD, or Turtle format.  The
viewer will attempt to identify the format used from the suffix of the URL
(eg. .xml, .ttl, etc). There also is an option to specify that format, if
that is not successful.  Example data is also directly retrievable from an
API provided by the Library of Congress using either LCCN or Bib ID.  This
tool makes use of the LoC API 'as is', and no guarantees as to its
performance and output are made.

The Comparison Viewer is designed to be an aid to system and vocabulary
developers.  It is not designed as a production tool.  Please use it in
that spirit, taking into account potential load on the
site hosting and that of the Library of Congress API.

For specific questions about the site, contact
 For discussions about Bibframe to mapping, use this mailing
list and the other community resources.



Richard Wallis
Founder, Data Liberate
Twitter: @rjw

Received on Monday, 20 April 2020 14:04:37 UTC