RE: [] Planning to close Building Device Naming Standards Community Group due to inactivity unless we hear from you


We wish to keep the W3C group open, considering it is a key part of our governance model:

The W3C community group provides us with a neutral location to collaborate on openly licensed specifications.

We would also like to utilise the blog features of W3C in the future. 

Kind Regards,
Sotiria Lavasa

-----Original Message-----
From: Team Community Process <> 
Sent: 06 March 2023 6:29 PM
Subject: [] Planning to close Building Device Naming Standards Community Group due to inactivity unless we hear from you

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Dear participants in the

  Building Device Naming Standards Community Group

Your Community Group appears to have become inactive (per [1]). W3C plans to close this group in 10 days unless we hear compelling reasons from you to keep it open.

Thank you,

CG/BG System


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