Merging BDE CGs

Dear all,

As you are very likely aware, the 7 BDE-* Community Groups are all 
driven by the Big Data Europe Project [1]. Initially, the CGs were 
envisaged as an outreach mechanism but this has proved not to be 
effective (in fact we're using a separate e-mailing tool for this now).

The CGs *are* however a place where we'd like to engage the wider 
community in discussions around the functionalities and technical 
aspects of the platform, as seen through the eyes of the communities the 
project aims to serve (the EC's 7 societal challenges). Since this 
discussion is less tied to the societal challenges, we have decided to 
merge the 7 CGs into one. This will happen in the near future.

If you do not wish for your current participation(s) to be transferred 
to the combined Community Group, please let me know.

Thank you




Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Friday, 18 March 2016 11:24:53 UTC