What makes a smart city smart? [via BDE-Smart, green and integrated transport Community Group]

The ‘smart’ tag has been floating around ad nauseam in the past years,
up-scaling everything from clothes through tennis rackets to water bottles. With
cities joining in, it could get a bit confusing to understand what actually
makes an object, a service, or an area smart.

We could try by looking at a few traits that make us, humans smart; like the
ability to learn and interact.  Add in some experience, coordination,
connectivity, and predictability and we mostly defined what makes a smart city

In essence a city is a complex intertwined system of systems that need to work
and interact with each other 24/7. With the increase of urbanisation comes the
growing threat of congestion, and difficulties in traffic and commuter
management. Mobility is key, and can make all the difference either seamlessly
aiding people and goods in getting from A to B or acting as a disruptive
obstacle to the delicate ecology cities represent.

Devices, fixed or nomad, that are able to interact with each other, send and
receive information, analyse and interpret it are the base.

Interested? click through to read the full post.


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'What makes a smart city smart?'


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Received on Friday, 28 August 2015 09:45:27 UTC