- From: Michele Lazzarini <Michele.Lazzarini@satcen.europa.eu>
- Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 10:08:49 +0000
- To: "public-bde-secure-societies@w3.org" <public-bde-secure-societies@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <57263bc7cdef44a3b697bad94ab42fee@ATLAS-SRV-MX-1.eusc.europa.eu>
The BigDataEurope Consortium is organising a workshop on Big Data in Secure Societies, which will be held the 30th of September 2015 in Brussels at the Spanish Office of Science and Technology (SOST), Rue du Trône 62<https://www.google.es/maps/place/Rue+du+Tr%C3%B4ne+62,+1050+Ixelles,+Belgio/@50.8379585,4.3690135,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x47c3c485499c5f4d:0x7cb4f414c985ca37?hl=it>. The workshop is the first of a scheduled series within the BigDataEurope project for the H2020 Societal Challenge "Secure Societies - Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens". Registration are now open here<http://www.big-data-europe.eu/event/sc7-brussels-2015/>! Objectives By dedicated sessions on specific topics involving the main representatives from the BigDataEurope project and the Security domain, the workshop aims to: · Identify current and future Big Data needs and challenges in the H2020 Secure Societies Societal Challenge; · Contribute to the building of a Security Community aiming at collecting Big Data user requirements and sharing Big Data strategies; · Show and discuss real user scenarios and use cases, e.g. related to the provision of products and services in the Space and Security domain; · Influence the BigDataEurope project and define the pilots for the Security domain; · Support the design and realization of the necessary ICT infrastructure on which the deployment and use of the BigDataEurope platform will be based. This workshop will address a wide audience comprising data users and service providers from a variety of fields in the Security domain, offering a key opportunity for Security stakeholders to participate in the BigDataEurope project and in the Big Data platform development. Background The "Secure Societies" Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge<http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/horizon2020/en/h2020-section/secure-societies-%E2%80%93-protecting-freedom-and-security-europe-and-its-citizens> is related to the protection of freedom and security of Europe and its citizens. The primary aims of the Secure Societies Challenge are: to enhance the resilience of our society against natural and man-made disasters; to develop novel solutions for the protection of critical infrastructure; to fight crime and terrorism; to improve border security; to support the Union's external security policies; to provide enhanced cyber-security. An example of major activity within this Societal Challenge is the provision of geospatial products and services, mainly resulting from satellite data.. In fact the datasets used in the Space and Security domain comply with the definition of Big Data in terms of variety (Earth Observation data, aerial imagery and collateral data), volume (several governmental and commercial satellites are currently in orbit), velocity (24/7 availability to users requiring fast responses), veracity (decision making and operations require reliable sources) and value (provision of useful and clear information). BigDataEurope will provide support mechanisms for all the major aspects of a data value chain, in terms of employed data and technology assets, the participating roles and the established or evolving processes. BigDataEurope will engage with a diverse range of stakeholder groups representing the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges and implement a Big Data Aggregator Platform Infrastructure comprising key open-source Big Data technologies for real-time and batch processing to meet their requirements. Other Info Contact Sergio Albani<mailto:sergio.albani@satcen.europa.eu> (EU SatCen): Secure Societies Domain Leader Opportunities to Engage There are many other opportunities for stakeholders to engage with the work being undertaken by BigDataEurope, including: · Subscribe to the BigDataEurope Newsletter<http://big-data-europe.us10.list-manage2.com/subscribe?u=4f2fcddb148e80f99f98210ae&id=af64b531d6>; · Join the Secure Societies W3C Community Group<https://www.w3.org/community/bde-secure-societies/>; · Participate in the planned key Stakeholder Workshops<http://www.big-data-europe.eu/events/category/bde-workshop/>; · Participate in one of the Big Data Pilots (contact Sergio Albani<mailto:sergio.albani@satcen.europa.eu>) ________________________________ This message is sent in confidence and is only intended for the named recipient. If you receive this message by mistake, you may not use, copy, distribute or forward this message, or any part of its contents or rely upon the information contained in it. Should you receive this message in error, you are kindly requested to inform the sender and to definitively remove it from any computer. The opinions expressed in this e-mail are solely those of the author. This message does not constitute any formal commitment on behalf of the European Union Satellite Centre.
Received on Wednesday, 15 July 2015 13:14:48 UTC