First BDE-Health Webinar writeup [via BDE-Health, demographic change and wellbeing Community Group]

[crossposted at]

The first BDE Webinar for Societal Challenge 1: Health was held on the 25th of
November. The goal of this virtual meetup was to present the current state of
affairs to SC1's stakeholders and to discuss the proposed pilot in this
challenge. In total, 9 people attended the webinar, four of which were BDE

To start of the webinar, Victor de Boer from VU University Amsterdam who filled
in for Bryn Williams-Jones presented the overall setup of the BDE project and
the pilots in particular. He discussed the background of the Health pilot by
recapping the main objectives of the OpenPHACTS project. View the slides here.

Aart Versteden and Erika Pauwels from BDE-partner TenForce then presented the
current state and setup of the BDE Big Data platform. They discussed background
issues around 'big data', presented the overall architecture and what the
different components will look like. View their slides here.

Ronald Siebes from VUA then continued by detailing the SC1 pilot. For the first
Health pilot, we will replicate part of the OpenPHACTS functionality, to ensure
that the BDE infrastructure is able to deal with the issues surrounding the
Variety of data. In subsequent phases, the pilot will be extended with more
functionality, targeting other "V's" of Big Data such as Velocity or Volume.
Ronald's slides can be found here

Finally, the floor was opened for a short but interesting discussion. From the
discussion, we take that it will remain a challenge for BDE to make sure that
the generic architecture of the platform is able to deal with the wildly varying
demands of domain experts in the SC domains. Also, we were reminded that the
piloting and evaluation methodology of OpenPHACTS was one of its success
factors. This is something that we will indeed be taking into account in the BDE
piloting and evaluation plan, the first version of which will be delivered at
the end of this year.


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'First BDE-Health Webinar writeup'

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Received on Thursday, 26 November 2015 09:26:50 UTC