Re: A parable about RFC 3986.

Jonathan A Rees writes:

>> Fiat ASPECT seems like a new idea. You need to elucidate this
>> more. If I am non-fiat but have fiat aspects, does this mean there
>> is another thing, a fiat-thing corresponding to me in some way?
>> What way?
> I'm not sure, I'm just trying to make sense of linked data. I think
> that when they say "person" they really mean "fiat person" which is a
> formal construct consisting of an ordered pair of a person and a
> formal-REST mapping, where properties of the person leak through to
> the pair (i.e. the fiat person has the same name, address, phone
> number etc. as the person).

So here you come close to my question about _Moby Dick_ -- in the case
of generic resources, the fiat resource as you've defined it comes
much _closer_ to the 'real' resource, but it's still not the same, I
don't think.  If I'm right position C has more in common with position
B than you seem to think it does. . .

       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
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Received on Thursday, 26 January 2012 10:07:06 UTC